‘Arctic invasion’ raises the sales of heaters and cigarette lighters in Kazan fourfold

‘Arctic invasion’ raises the sales of heaters and cigarette lighters in Kazan fourfold
Photo: Milyausha Kashafutdinova/realnoevremya.ru

Last week, Tatarstan found itself in the grip of an Arctic anticyclone — abnormal frosts shackled the whole republic. The thermometer fell to 40 degrees below zero, and in some areas it reached 50 degrees below zero. The temperature was recorded below the climatic norm by 9-19 degrees, so forecasters announced a storm warning three times these days. Classes were cancelled in schools, prices were inflated in taxis, utility networks were out of order, unable to withstand the cold. But having frozen Tatarstan citizens, the ice element warmed up the market of certain goods. For example, the sales of heaters have increased 4 times in Kazan, car shops have broken all records for the sale of batteries and cigarette lighters. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

A frosty week

The first working week of the new year was marked by a frosty record. Tatarstan has not had such cold weather in the last 36 years. Rescuers did not recommend leaving the house or leaving the settlements without special need. According to the Ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan, 126 people were injured during the holidays due to hypothermia and frostbite, 95 people were hospitalised.

According to the Kazan ambulance station, in three days alone 39 people complained of hypothermia, and 19 — of frostbite. Eleven of them required inpatient treatment, and two even had their toes amputated. Both are residents of Kazan. One victim suffered frostbite while working at a construction site, where he spent the whole day. Another fell asleep on the street after drinking alcohol.

According to the Kazan ambulance station, in three days alone 39 people complained of hypothermia, and 19 — of frostbite. Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

Demand for heating devices has increased significantly

The onset of extremely low temperatures provoked an increase in demand for certain goods. For example, over the last week, the sales of heaters on Ozon in Tatarstan increased 2,8 times year-on-year:

“Residents of the republic are purchasing compact outdoor fan heaters, quartz and convector heaters most frequently. Additionally, users purchase electric blankets, whose sales have tripled over the past week year-on-year, as well as blankets — they were bought by 93% more than a year earlier. The demand for hot water bottles for the same period increased by 75% in annual comparison — salt hot water bottles and classic water hot water bottles are in the top," the company told Realnoe Vremya.

An even greater increase in the sales of heating equipment is recorded in another network, for example, the sales of heaters in Kazan increased 4 times during the period of severe frosts in online hypermarkets VseInstrumenty.ru. Here we analysed the demand for climate technology in the first days of the onset of the January anticyclone in Russia. Since the beginning of abnormal frosts, on January 7, Russians began to buy heating equipment by 43% more often. The sales of this category of goods increased 6 times in Yekaterinburg and Perm, 4 times — in Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. Residents of St. Petersburg bought heating equipment 30% more often, and residents of Moscow — by 25%. Demand also increased relative to January 2022, that month was not so cold. In Russia, the popularity of heat guns has increased by 102%, convectors — by 86%, heating appliances — by 83%, heaters — by 77%. Besides, the sales of this equipment increased by 29% in Kazan.

The onset of extremely low temperatures provoked an increase in demand for certain goods. Photo: Milyausha Kashafutdinova/realnoevremya.ru

M.Video-Eldorado also recorded an increase in demand for climate technology with the onset of abnormally cold weather in a number of regions of Russia.

“From January 1 to January 10, the demand for heating devices in Tatarstan increased by a quarter compared to last year. We note similar dynamics in the Volga Federal District as a whole," the company's press service told Realnoe Vremya. “If compared with other regions, demand increased by almost a third in Siberia year-on-year, by 1,5 times — in the Urals, by 44% — in the northern regions of the European part of Russia, in the south and in Central Russia — by almost 40%.

According to the network, most of the sales are accounted for by radiators, convectors are the second by popularity. Compact fan heaters for local heating remain in demand. The company reported that it has formed significant inventories of climate technology and continues to replenish them to meet the needs of customers in the winter season.

Photo: Milyausha Kashafutdinova/realnoevremya.ru

Sales of batteries and cigarette lighters breaking records

To the full extent, car owners felt all the “charms” of abnormal cold weather. Some, after several attempts to start the car, left it in the parking lot and switched to public transport. Others tried their best to revive the engine every morning. These days, in many courtyards, one could observe a picture: several cars gathered together with open hoods and drivers with cigarette lighter wires.

Car spare parts and devices for heating cars are breaking sales records these days. This is said not only by representatives of car shops, but also by networks that, in fact, do not specialise in the implementation of such equipment. In one of the DNS stores, the correspondent of the publication was told that every day they were selling at least five or six car launchers and the same number of chargers for car batteries, although there is only one sale per month on usual winter days.

As for specialised networks, for example, in the Bi-Bi store, they said that sales of batteries, chargers and starting devices for batteries, cigarette lighter wires have increased by 50% in the last few days. Auto blankets were also sold — these are insulation materials for the engine compartment of car, which are designed to preserve the heat of the engine at sub-zero temperatures, and cases to protect the battery from temperature influences. Sellers admitted that this is not the most popular product, our people most often use improvised means for heating, for example, in the evenings, the hood of many cars in Kazan is carefully covered with an ordinary warm blanket.

“Maybe it doesn't look presentable, but it is effective. The car starts up, and this is the main thing," a car owner shared her opinion, who resorted to such grandfather's way of preserving heat.

The growth in sales of means for heating cars and necessary spare parts was also noted in small shops and car service stations. One of the employees of such point said that all starting wires that were in the store at that time were sold out immediately on the first day of cold weather. The same thing happened with spark plugs — all the sets were quickly sold out. The rating of the most popular products of these days includes batteries and chargers for them, heat filters, antifreeze and oil.

Warming up for 3k

There are more calls to services about the repair of cars, experts say. In the first place — the repair of heaters, radiators. “During these cold weather, we have to change at least one or two radiators a day," the car mechanic said.

One of the most popular services in recent days for motorists who do not want to give up the car, but at the same time are unable to start them themselves, is warming the car. On average, experts ask for 1,300 rubles for it, but this is not the limit. The cost is influenced by the experience and qualifications of the master, the cost of materials, the complexity and urgency of the work. For example, starting the engine will cost from 1,000 to 5,000 rubles. Opening a frozen car, towing a car, tow truck services and other types of services — from 500 to 3,000 rubles.

There are more calls to services about the repair of cars, experts say. Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

The cracking frosts began to recede only towards the end of the week, approaching the climatic norm only today. The direction of air flows is gradually changing — the north, north-east wind has been replaced by the west, the temperature has begun to rise.

Milyausha Kashafutdinova

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