From energy management to reconstruction of BTP: Nizhnekamskneftekhim participates in XVI MIEF

From energy management to reconstruction of BTP: Nizhnekamskneftekhim participates in XVI MIEF

XVI Moscow's International Energy Forum ''Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century'' has completed its work in Moscow. Its participants were representatives of government agencies, industrial enterprises, science and business. Among the partners of the forum — Nizhnekamskneftekhim, which presented the energy saving programme and the first stage of reconstruction of biological treatment plants. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Heat supply and gasification in the spotlight

Moscow's International Energy Forum has long become a tradition. It has been held since 2002 and it is an authoritative discussion platform where the problems of development of the domestic fuel and energy complex are discussed. This year, in the spotlight there have been topical issues of development of the domestic gas and gasification market of Russian regions, reform of tariff regulation in heat supply system.

''We have made this forum highly specialized. We raised two issues that concern everyone: heat supply and the issue of domestic gas markets, and the problems such as those Gazprom has. We have invited Nizhnekamskneftekhim as a partner for many years because it is a company that not only a leader in petrochemistry, but also it successfully implements projects related to energy management — it is a serious economy. It is the largest taxpayer in Tatarstan and uses innovative technologies. We invite them to hear their reports, to see their stands and to listen to their expert opinion,'' said Andrey Yepishov, the director general of the Moscow's International Energy Forum ''Russian Fuel and Energy Complex in the XXI Century''.

''Economic effect of energy saving programmes amounted to 4,6bl rubles''

An exhibition demonstrating the capabilities of the largest companies in fuel and energy sector, their role in socio-economic development of the country was held within the framework of the forum. The central position was taken by the stand of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC. The Tatarstan enterprise has participated in the exhibition for the 14th time, it is a partner of the forum. The petrochemical giant presented the results of the energy saving programme over 15 years.

''We have been engaged in the programme of energy saving and gradually introduced this programme since 2002. Nizhnekamskneftekhim has something to demonstrate and something to share,'' Sergey Novikov, the head of the department for standardization and accounting of energy resources at NKNK explained to the correspondent of Realnoe Vremya.

Currently, the enterprise is implementing the fourth programme of energy saving. Over these years, 1,293 measures were implemented, the economic effect of which amounted to 4,6 billion rubles. At the exhibition, Nizhnekamsneftekhim presented the construction layout of two new pyrolysis ovens SRT-VI at the ethylene plant. With the commissioning of new ovens, fuel economy per year will be 101 million rubles. The total reduction of hazardous substance emissions per year will amount to 626,000 tonnes.

''With this project, NKNK participated in the competition of energy-efficient equipment at the recently held International Energy Exhibition in Kazan. This project was awarded with a diploma of the first degree,'' Novikov added.

NKNK has participated in the exhibition for the 14th time, it is a partner of the forum. This year, the petrochemical giant presented the results of the energy saving programme over 15 years. Photo: NKNK

For modernization, the enterprise chooses technologies that reduce specific energy intensity. For example, representatives of the company demonstrate the project of modernization of the isoprene-monomer plant, where the production of high concentrated formaldehyde by Formox technology with low consumption of electrical and thermal energy was launched last year. This was the first stage in the programme to increase the capacity of the plant to 330,000 tonnes a year.

Besides, Nizhnekamskneftekhim is actively introducing the complexes of high-speed automatic activation of backup power supply, replacing the old control panels, returning the condensate from the production facilities to Nizhnekamsk CHP (PTK-1, a branch of TGC-16 JSC). In total, 172,9 million rubles were allocated for the implementation of the programme in 2016-2017, and the effect from the measures over this time amounted to 414 million rubles. Within the framework of the programme, over four years the company plans to save 31,6 million kWh of electric, 605,000 Gcal of thermal energy and 25,000 tonnes of reference fuel.

Reconstruction of biological treatment plants

The first stage of the reconstruction of biological treatment plants, which began in 2015, was presented at the exhibition. The unit of mechanical cleaning, bar screen building, aerated grit chamber, mixer of household and and chemically contaminated wastewater and transformer substations were built and modernized on the territory. Nizhnekamsneftekhim allocated 660 million rubles in this project. The works were completed in 2016, and the results show that the quality of wastewater after the modernization of the BTP improved by 14 indicators.

The reconstruction was completed in 2016, and the results show that the quality of wastewater after the modernization of the BTP improved by 14 indicators. Photo: Maksim Platonov

Now the company has started the second stage of modernization, which is planned to be completed by the end of this year. The final stage of the reconstruction is included in the fourth environmental programme, which continues at the enterprise. More than 1 billion rubles were allocated for the implementation of the eco-programme last year alone. In total, in 2014-2017 the enterprise spent 3,6 billion rubles on environmental measures.

The International Energy Forum worked for two days, the participants were awarded following the results. Photo: Alina Gubaydullina

The International Energy Forum worked for two days, the participants were awarded following the results. Nizhnekamskneftekhim was awarded with several honourable awards. The company won the Grand Prix for the modernization of ethylene production in order to reduce the consumption of fuel and energy resources and to reduce the harmful impact on the environment. The representative of NKNK was awarded a diploma for significant stable results in energy and resource saving among the enterprises of the petrochemical complex of the Russian Federation. The company was also awarded a diploma for the development and implementation of comprehensive energy conservation programme for the period 2016-2020 among the enterprises of the petrochemical complex of the Russian Federation and a diploma for the return of condensate from technological production of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC to TGC-16 JSC.

Affiliate material

By Alina Gubaydullina, Ksenia Zharkova

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