A fifth of winter crops in Tatarstan under threat of death

A fifth of winter crops in Tatarstan under threat of death
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Ilya Repin (archive)

Specialists of the Tatarstan branch of Rosselkhoznadzor have fixed problems with winter crops in the republic. Experts believe that the reason is the lack of moisture in the soil. As they specified in the institution, in Tatarstan, in most days of the second decade of October, an unstable temperature regime was observed against the background of uneven precipitation.

“The main reason for the sparseness, that is, the poor condition of 19% of crops is the lack of precipitation and lack of moisture in the soil. In other words, the lack of rain had a negative impact on the density of seedlings in the fields in a number of areas," explained Guzel Khusainova, the deputy head of the branch of the Federal State Budgetary Institution Rosselkhozcentr in Tatarstan.

During the week, the branch's specialists selectively examined 8,4 thousand hectares of winter grain crops for the next year's harvest. According to the institution on October 25, the condition of 193,85 thousand hectares (35%) of winter crops is assessed as good, 157,67 thousand hectares (29%) — as satisfactory, 101,44 thousand hectares (19%) — as poor, that is, as thinned out. On an area of 94,04 thousand hectares (17%), the seeds have not germinated.

realnoevremya.ru/Ilya Repin (archive)

According to the branch's report, 94% of winter crops are in good condition in the Tukayevsky district, Muslyumovsky — 88%, Utazinsky — 84%, Bavlinsky — 83%, Nurlatsky — 76%, Menzelinsky — 75%. At the same time, 76% of these crops are in poor condition in Baltasinsky district, 59% — in Chistopol, 49% — in Atninsky and Mamadyshsky districts, 43% -in Verkhneuslonsky.

In the National Union of Agricultural Insurers (NSA), it is believed that the risks for plant growers of Tatarstan remain elevated. So, the president of the organisation, Korney Bizhdov, predicts the death of crops in the near future. He explained the negative forecast by insufficient precipitation in the region.

Ayrat Nazipov

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