Corporate debts in Tatarstan approach 3 trillion rubles

As of May 1, 2022, the total debt of companies in Tatarstan amounted to 2,98 trillion rubles. Of these, 46% are debts on loans and other loans, follows from the analysis of the Tatarstan State Statistics Service.

Since April 1 of this year, the debt burden of Tatarstan companies has decreased by 5,4%. Accounts payable amounted to 1,6 trillion rubles, and debts to banks and loans — another 1,4 trillion.

1,2% of the total debt was overdue. This corresponds to 36 billion rubles. Of these, 34,8 billion are overdue accounts payable, and another 1,2 billion are overdue payments to banks and other loans.

At the same time, it is noted that the total amount of overdue payments decreased by 1,5% compared to April. Overdue accounts payable became by 0,7% less, and to banks — by 20,3%.

Manufacturing enterprises have the largest accounts payable of organisations, it amounts to 26,5 billion rubles. Of these, 16,5 billion is overdue for debts to suppliers, 199 million — to budgets, another 33,8 million — for payments to state extra-budgetary funds.

Artem Gafarov

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