Son of US President Hunter Biden involved in financing of biological laboratories — Russian Defence Ministry

The Russian Ministry of Defenсe has presented new details about biolabs in Ukraine. According to the agency, Rosemont Seneca investment fund under the leadership of the son of US president, Hunter Biden, is involved in their financing.

According to RIA Novosti, there is a connection between the specified fund and the main contractors of the Pentagon. This includes Metabiota, which, along with Black and Veach, is the main supplier of equipment for the biolabs of the US Department of Defense around the world. In addition to the Pentagon, the US Agency for International Development, the Soros Foundation and the Center for Disease Control and Prevention take part in the implementation of the programme, and the National Laboratory in Los Alamos, which develops nuclear weapons as part of the Manhattan Project, among others, conducts scientific supervision, the Defence Ministry states.

According to the Ministry of Defence, the United States and its allies took at least 16,000 bioassays from Ukraine — for example, within the framework of the UP-8 project in Lviv, Kharkiv, Odessa and Kyiv, 4,000 soldiers took blood samples for antibodies to hantaviruses, 400 for antibodies to the Congo-Crimean fever virus. This was done to select the biological agents most dangerous for the population of a certain region, RIA Novosti writes. Dangerous pathogens and their carriers were also exported. Among the recipients, there were listed the Lugar Center in Georgia, reference laboratories in Britain and the Loeffler Institute in Germany.

“The situation with the distribution of pathogenic biomaterials from Ukraine to European countries may lead to the death of people and the creation of an epidemiological outbreak, the scale of which will be comparable to the COVID-19 pandemic," the Defence Ministry says.

On March 6, the Russian Defence Ministry announced that the Kyiv regime was urgently trying to cover the traces of a military biological programme funded by the US Department of Defence being implemented in Ukraine to prevent the disclosure of violations of Article 1 of the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention of the UN. A few days later, the official representative of the department, Major General Igor Konashenkov, stated that experiments with bat coronavirus were conducted in biolabs created and funded by the United States in Ukraine.

Last week, Sergey Lavrov said that Russia demands to consider the issue of biological laboratories in Ukraine within the framework of the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production and Stockpiling of Bacteriological (Biological) and Toxin Weapons and on their Destruction (BTWC). Russia also intends to request an emergency meeting of the UN Security Council on the topic of American biological laboratories in Ukraine.

Yesterday, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation said that military experts have revealed new facts proving the involvement of the US Department of Defence in the development of biological weapons components in Ukraine. According to the documents received, a pharmaceutical company contracted by the Pentagon was working on testing unregistered medicines on the Ukrainian military.

Realnoe Vremya follows the events. Read the details in a special story of the online newspaper.

Daria Pinegina

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