Russian Defence Ministry: Ukraine’s civilians have to survive in inhumane conditions

“How will then people live here?”

The humanitarian situation in some cities of Ukraine has become catastrophic, the Russian Defence Ministry stated on 12 March. As head of Russia’s National Defence Operations Centre Colonel General Mikhail Mizintsev said, nationalists’ armed units are mining residential quarters, destroying bridges and roads, demolishing critical infrastructure.

“There is a severe humanitarian situation in Mariupol. Hundreds of thousands of people, including foreigners, are forcedly detained by the nationalists who stop any attempts of leaving the city threatening them to do bodily harm,” said Mizintsev.

According to him, the Ukrainian authorities don’t care “how then people will live here.”

“As a result of these criminal and traitorous actions of the Ukrainian authorities towards their own people, the population has to survive in inhumane conditions: without heating, electricity, water supply, food and medication,” noted the colonel general.

Mizintsev noted that the official Kyiv authorities are aware of the real state of affairs and continue claiming via Ukrainian mass media that these are the results of the actions of the Russian Armed Forces.

As the colonel general said, Ukrainian neo-Nazis carried out a marauding raid on houses in Mariupol by shooting civilians. All the attempts of making rebels let a convoy of buses ready to evacuate civilians pass through the official authorities of Ukraine haven’t been crowned with success.

“District police workers are afraid to do the paperwork for any crime and administrative offence because they in fact have become targets for thousands of insurgents released from prisons by the official Kyiv authorities,” claimed the director of Russia’s National Defence Operations Centre

Russian Armed Forces urge Ukrainian residents to hide contacts with Russia

Meanwhile, the number of people willing to evacuate from Ukraine to Russia is growing — it increased almost by 20,000 people over the last day and totals over 2,5 million citizens. Nowadays more than 6,900 citizens from 16 foreign countries remain Ukrainian neo-Nazis’ captives as a human shield. The Russian Armed Forces urge Ukrainian residents to hide contacts with Russia to avoid massacres.

Also, the official Kyiv authorities continue violating agreements on humanitarian corridors.

“The population in Kyiv, Chernihiv, Kharkiv, Sumy and Mariupol simply wasn’t notified,” Mizintsev said.

Realnoe Vremya is staying tuned for the events. Read the latest news on Ukraine in the online newspaper’s special report.

Daria Pinegina

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