4.5k teenagers registered with juvenile and social oversight authorities

The ministry of youth affairs of Tatarstan has reported on the results of 2024

4.5k teenagers registered with juvenile and social oversight authorities
Photo: Михаил Захаров

The past year has been marked by a large number of new facilities and events aimed at maintaining family values for Tatarstan's youth policy. For example, the authorities allocated 2.31 billion rubles for construction and repairs. It is planned to continue this course — the head of the ministry of health affairs of the republic announced several projects to support young families at the board meeting. However, there are also shortcomings: destructive phenomena among teenagers are still observed in the region. Over the year, the child crime rate has decreased by only 11%. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

94% of Tatarstan teenagers are satisfied with the standard of living

“The year 2024 was another important stage of development for the industry, a year of new projects, victories, and discoveries. The youth were even more active, purposeful, and most importantly, believing in the creative power of our country and the republic," Tatarstan Youth Affairs Minister Rinat Sadykov began the final board meeting with these words.

He cited several results of 2024 in figures:

  • 129 million rubles in grants were received by Tatarstan youth;
  • volunteer movement of 298,000 participants is recognised as the leader in Russia;
  • more than 700 students won 1 million each in the Student Startup competition;
  • 39 facilities were built and renovated with financing in the amount of 2.31 billion rubles.

In addition, Sadikov spoke about the conducted social surveys. For example, it turned out that 94% of teenagers and 80% of young people are satisfied with their lives.

“Many will no longer be pioneers, but all will be pensioners”

The strengthening of family values has been and remains an important area. Last year, which was dedicated to this topic, 1,361 events were held in Tatarstan, attended by 150,000 people.

Sadykov focused on youth health and announced a new project:

“This year we are launching the Health Course project. To ensure wide coverage of young people, experienced specialists in the field of non-formal education, healthcare, psychology, entrepreneurship, age pedagogy, and so on will be sent to cities and district centres. Young people will be able to listen to expert presentations, take part in trainings, and get advice for free. With the assistance of colleagues from the ministry of healthcare, we plan to provide an opportunity to check your body and get recommendations from doctors.”

Sadykov focused on youth health and announced a new project. Михаил Захаров / realnoevremya.ru

In addition, the Institute of Parenthood program will also be launched in Tatarstan soon. Within its framework, young parents will be taught the necessary skills. The project will include three areas: Mother+Father, Teenager and Healthy Kid.

“Another vector that exists is the older generation. Many will no longer be pioneers, but all will be pensioners. In this regard, forming an attitude towards the older generation among our young people is a primary task. And this task is achievable," Deputy Prime Minister of Tatarstan Leyla Fazleeva said in continuation of the topic.

Leyla Fazleeva: “Another vector that exists is the older generation.”. Михаил Захаров / realnoevremya.ru

Most of the teenagers are in jail for possession and distribution of drugs.

Family is not only happiness, but also a great responsibility. Today, 4,500 Tatarstan teenagers are registered with juvenile and social oversight authorities. The level of child crime is “not decreasing significantly” — the decline over the year was 11%, the minister of youth affairs announced. Most of the minors in detention centres are responsible under article 228 — possession and distribution of drugs.

“The young people face sentences ranging from 5 to 14 years. In a high-security penal colony, we met with young people under the age of 35. The picture is the same here — the majority are under the same article: 228, parts 1 and 2. Young people serve sentences from 6 to 15 years. During our conversations with the young people, one of them confessed: “My parents didn't communicate with me, they didn't pay any attention to me, they weren't interested in my concerns. We were left to our own devices," Sadykov called on parents to take responsibility.

Михаил Захаров / realnoevremya.ru

At the moment, the ministry of youth affairs of the republic is starting to create a documentary about teenagers serving their sentences. The speaker expressed confidence that after watching, parents will begin to pay more attention to their children. Sadykov also mentioned other measures to prevent destructive phenomena among young people:

  • Working with children's environment: “It should include the support of a psychologist, improving the effectiveness of personal visits to families in difficult situations.”
  • Engaging in useful leisure activities: “It is necessary to use the potential of not only educational institutions, youth policy, culture and sports, which is already being done, but also local public youth movements and organisations.”
  • Patronage of enterprises over teen clubs: “The patronage of enterprises over teen clubs with the opening of engineering areas of work can distract teenagers from the street: auto, moto, enduro, unmanned aerial vehicles and surface vehicles, and much more.”
  • Employment: “Thanks to the employment service of the ministry of labor of the republic, more than 12,000 teenagers were employed in 2024.”

“Unfortunately, healthy, promising, strong teenagers and adults who can receive a decent education, profession, give birth to healthy children at a young, childbearing age, go to camps, but, unfortunately, they are not children's. And not health-improving ones. Ultimately, the circumstances are not going well for them," Sadykov said.

Elizaveta Punsheva

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