Meal is served: Kazan residents order food delivery every half hour
Yandex is expanding its presence in the food market in Kazan: restaurants are joining online booking, and couriers will start riding to electric bicycles

Kazan is seeing a boom in food orders via online delivery, as if families have switched to ready-made food. Since the beginning of the year, the number of ready-made food orders via Yandex Food service in the capital has grown by 80%, and the turnover of urgent food products via the Yandex Lavka service has grown by 72%, representatives of Yandex's grocery divisions said at a meeting with journalists. And for the sake of delivery speed, the company is transferring couriers to electric bicycles — the first batch of 198 units will soon arrive in Kazan. Read more about it in a report of Realnoe Vremya.
Lunch with delivery to the office
Ready-to-eat food is one of the fastest growing segments of online food sales in cities with a population of over a million, and Kazan has found itself in the wake of the new trend. Based on the results of this year, the capital of the republic unexpectedly entered the top 3 fastest growing cities in the Yandex Food rating, showing a 59% increase in turnover compared to the previous year.
“We were even a little surprised by the activity of Kazan residents,” noted the head of the restaurant business department of Yandex Food Alexandra Artyushkina.
According to her, the number of ready-to-eat food orders has grown by 48% over the year, and the service's audience has grown by a third. She did not disclose the absolute number of attracted customers and the average order bill, specifying that the cost of an order is comparable to the average price in megacities. Kazan restaurants themselves indicate the cost of a business lunch within 1.5-2 thousand rubles.

Taste preferences of Kazan residents in 2024 turned out to be unusual. As in most regions, the top dishes include burgers, potato appetizers, chicken appetizers, salads and pizza. But in Kazan, Tatar cuisine is still most often ordered, it is found 4.2 times more often than the average. And, oddly enough, Chinese cuisine — it is ordered 2 times more often than the national average.
The more choice, the better
In recent years, Kazan residents have become accustomed to ordering food products at home. As a rule, they choose a service with a wide range of products rather than with low prices. Thus, sales turnover in Yandex Lavka in Kazan increased by 72%, said Anton Tarabrin, COO of Yandex Lavka.
According to him, in November the number of new customers — users of the service in Kazan increased by 30%.
“This November, Kazan residents most often ordered Olivier salad, carbonara pasta, onigiri with shrimp and a sandwich with baked chicken breast. As for the foods, it is tangerines, bread and water,” he shared.
At the same time, the service plans to expand the range of ready-made meals and private label goods in the region and gives preference to local suppliers.

According to Tarabrin, 20% of the entire range is occupied by Tatarstan suppliers. Among them are Zelenodolsk Dairy Plant, BKK, Chelny-Broiler, and the Yaratel poultry farm.
Delivery drivers on electric bicycles
By the end of the year, Yandex is going to transfer 70% of couriers to electric bicycles of its own design. The first batch of 198 units will arrive in Kazan in the next two weeks. Previously, the company tested electric bicycles in Moscow and received a positive conclusion from the Moscow Department of Transport. Now more than 1,000 couriers ride bicycles.

Experiments with formats of work with catering continue. Two weeks ago, the operator launched an online table booking system in Kazan through its application. Thirty-one Kazan restaurants are connected to the booking, and no commission for attracting customers is charged yet.
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