Safety culture as a lifestyle

The Tatarstan enterprise has received high marks in the field of labour protection, industrial and environmental safety

Safety culture as a lifestyle
Photo: Роман Хасаев

TAIF-NK JSC has summed up the results of work in 2023 on labour protection, industrial and environmental safety. The best employees were awarded diplomas and rewarded with cash prizes. The main achievement is zero rates of injuries and occupational diseases, the company notes. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

“Such indicators deserve respect”

The meeting was opened by Anton Vakhotin, the head of the Industrial Safety Control Department. At the beginning of his speech, he stressed that in 2023, the company did not allow cases of injuries and occupational diseases. The international injury index LTIF (Lost Time Injury Frequency Rate) remained at zero.

Anton Vakhotin: “In 2023, the company did not allow cases of injuries and occupational diseases.” предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

At this point, the speaker was interrupted by Maxim Novikov, CEO of the company: “For this, I would like to express special gratitude to all heads of departments, those who are engaged in the organisation of high-risk work. Such an important indicator for all of us — zero occupational injuries — has been achieved thanks to the involvement and indifference of each employee. We have done a lot of work, and such indicators deserve respect. Thank you.”

Maxim Novikov: “We have done a lot of work, and such indicators deserve respect.” предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

Another achievement, Anton Vakhotin noted, was the reduction of the risk category in Rostrud from high to significant. This means that scheduled inspections at the enterprise will now take place once every three years, not once every two years, as it was before. “This was achieved due to zero injuries and the absence of labour protection offenses," he said.

The year 2023 became significant in the field of automation. As the speaker noted, automation affected six processes, which in total saved 50 thousand man-hours.

There are successes in the field of ecology. From 2018 to 2023, the amount of emissions of harmful substances into the atmosphere decreased by 15%. The company organised the selective accumulation of waste in specially equipped places, which significantly increased the proportion of waste sent for disposal and neutralisation to 99%, and reduced the proportion of waste transferred to landfill.

TAIF-NK has become one of the first companies in the republic to get an IEP. предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

In September 2023, the company got in IEP for local wastewater treatment plants. It is worth noting that TAIF-NK was one of the first to obtain an environmental permit. Out of the 210 objects that have a negative impact on the environment of category 1, located in Tatarstan, Mari El and Chuvashia, only 21 objects have IEPs. The task for this year is to obtain an environmental permit for four more facilities, the speaker said.

The company's employees took care of the material and technical equipment of the fire and rescue units No. 90 and No. 91. A fire tanker truck with a hydraulic emergency rescue tool, a test device and fire hoses were purchased. Protective suits and breathing apparatus were purchased for the emergency rescue formation of the Company.

The company also took care of the material and technical equipment of the fire and rescue units. предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»


Last year, the company successfully passed a re-certification audit for compliance with the requirements of international standards ISO 9001:2015 Quality Management Systems, ISO 14001:2015 Environmental Management Systems, and ISO 45001:2018 Occupational Safety and Health Management Systems, the head of the Control and Analysis Department of the management system, Svetlana Chekashova, reminded those present in the audience:

“Certification is a voluntary matter. After receiving it, the company declares its reliable management system, confirms the high quality of products and technological processes in its production, which helps to increase the credibility of the organisation in the eyes of partners and consumers. Therefore, already back in 2008, TAIF-NK JSC voluntarily certified itself in the quality management system, environmental management and occupational safety and health management," said the head of the Control and Analysis Department of the management system.

Svetlana Chekashova: “Having passed the certification, the company declares its reliable management system, confirms the high quality of products and technological processes.” предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

By the results of the audit, the experts gave a high assessment of the company's activities. As Svetlana Chekashova noted, all structural divisions of the company fall under the integrated management system. Therefore, every employee is interested in optimising and improving their work.

Family values and a healthy lifestyle

The year 2023 was held under the auspices of the Year of Health and Healthy Lifestyle in Nizhnekamsk. Throughout the year, the company's employees participate in sports and cultural events — corporate tournaments in table tennis, mini-football, volleyball, skiing and swimming. For the first time in 2023, a chess tournament was held and received positive feedback. All participants who won prizes were awarded cups, medals of TAIF-NK JSC and monetary rewards, Olga Nikitina, the chairman of the Council of the Labour Collective, reported to the audience.

To keep fit, oil refiners regularly visit fitness centres. There is an opportunity to relax with the whole family at corporate family and sports events, which are very popular with the employees of the enterprise.

The previous year is remembered with bright sporting achievements and successes. In the popular extreme competition Race of Heroes, which took place in Samara, the factory workers took a confident first place, 5 minutes ahead of their nearest rivals.

The employees of the enterprise also distinguished themselves in passing the GTO (Ready For Labor And Defenсe) standards. The results are impressive — 17 gold, 6 silver, and 3 bronze badges. The age of the participants was very different, workers from 26 to 59 years old tested their endurance.

Employees of TAIF-NK JSC also distinguished themselves in passing the GTO standards. предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

“All our achievements are the merit of one large team. I am very pleased that despite the different factories, workshops and departments, different life situations and the political situation, a warm and friendly atmosphere prevails at our enterprise. We are one big team that supports family values and a healthy lifestyle. All our initiatives in terms of sports activity and family leisure activities outside our company are accepted and gladly supported by the team," said Maxim Novikov, CEO of the company.

Best in occupational safety and industrial safety

The meeting finished on a solemn note. The company summed up the results of the competition The Best in Occupational Safety, Industrial, Fire and Environmental Safety in 2023.

Well-deserved awards were given to the best occupational health and safety commissioners at the factories. предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

“This is an annual competition that takes place between departments and labour protection commissioners. During the year, each department is evaluated according to such indicators as trouble-free operation, the number of detected violations in the workshop, and their timely elimination. Based on these results, more distinguished units are selected, which have worked efficiently, without violations. Besides, each workshop has an occupational safety commissioner, who, along with the occupational safety service, monitors compliance with occupational safety in his department," Anton Vakhotin, the head of the Industrial Safety Control Department, told about the nuances of the competition.

The third place in the competition The Best Commissioner For Labour Protection was taken by the operator of technological units, Ramil Gabidullin. He joined the company from a nearby petrochemical plant in 2018. He says he liked the working conditions and wage.

Ad of TAIF-NK JSC. предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

“I was nominated for the competition by the head of the workshop. I prepared thoroughly, studied the documentation, and worked on the computer in information systems. I am very glad that my work has been appreciated. Thank you very much," Ramil Gabidullin said after the award ceremony.

The second place was taken by the instrument maker of the sixth category of the refinery shop No. 11, Rumil Gilmanov.

For the second year in a row, Yuri Chetyrkin, the operator of technological units of shop No. 04 of the Gasoline Plant, became the best commissioner for labour protection. He is a veteran of production, he has worked at the company since 2005. “This is not only my award, but our entire well-coordinated team. Each of us tried to perform our duties at work flawlessly. By all measures, we have become the best. It is very pleasant," the winner said modestly.

Diplomas were also awarded to distinguished divisions of the company, which became an example for the entire team in the field of industrial, fire and environmental safety.

“The most important thing is that there were no accidents or injuries last year. I wish the whole team trouble-free work and achievement of new production peaks this year. All this is in our hands," summed up Chief Engineer Alexey Khramov.

Lilia Yegorova

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