‘The staff is very friendly. I have seen this personally’

How students of the N.V. Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining get acquainted with their future colleagues

‘The staff is very friendly. I have seen this personally’
Photo: предоставлено realnoevremya.ru пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

A meeting “without ties”, or rather on downhill skiing — this is how one can characterise a sports and family event that took place last weekend in one of the ski complexes. Employees of the TAIF-NK oil refinery met with students of N.V. Lemaev College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining in an informal setting to have fun and benefit from relaxing in the fresh air, as well as to develop a strategy for further interaction. What we agreed on and how we spent our time — in the report of Realnoe Vremya.

“A feeling of complete delight!”

Fresh air, stunning landscapes, active physical activity and new acquaintances. The workers of the refinery together with their families spent an unforgettable weekend at the ski resort. Together with them, the most active students of the Nizhnekamsk specialised college, participants of the olympiads and excellent students, got on skis.

Workers of the refinery, together with their families and students, spent an unforgettable weekend. Photo: provided by the press service of TAIF-NK JSC for realnoevremya.ru предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

“The asset of our company often conducts joint cultural, sports or volunteer events. This time we decided to organise a field meeting with college students at the ski complex. The main goal is to develop a strategy for further interaction with students, as well as to have a good rest. For young people, this is a great opportunity to get to know the team better, learn about the nuances of work, and see with their own eyes that production is not only a technological process, but also a rich social and sports life," said Anton Tukhvatullin, the head of the company's training group.

Fourth-year student Dmitry Petrov became one of those who were lucky enough to feel like a real skier. A young man is studying to become an electrician. He says he chose his future specialty to his liking. His father has worked as an electrician all his life, it was he who instilled a love for this profession.

“I followed in my father's footsteps. I am interested in studying the drawings. As a child, I always helped my dad around the house, he taught me a lot. After graduating from college, I would like to get a job at this enterprise. I like the working conditions and the salary level in this company. And the staff is very friendly. I have seen this personally," Dmitry says with a smile.

According to him, the weekends spent with the company's employees will forever remain in his memory. It was his first time rolling down mountain slopes and riding horses.

According to the students, the weekends spent with the company's employees will forever remain in their memory предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

“Before climbing the mountain slope, we had an instruction and a master class in downhill skiing. It was an indescribable feeling. I tried to do all the exercises that the coach showed me. We climbed to the highest point several times. It was amazing, beautiful horizons opened up in front of us. I admit that it was not easy to ski down, but we did it. A feeling of complete delight!” Dmitry said, without hiding his emotions.

“A good example for our youth”

It was the first joint field meeting in nature for both the company's employees and students. Such meetings, Natalia Strizhakova, a college teacher, is sure, allow children to meet successful people in their profession in a live communication format, ask them questions, motivate themselves to achieve professional and personal success.

It was the first joint field meeting in nature for both the company's employees and students предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

“When representatives of the company came to us with the initiative to spend time together in nature, we immediately responded. The young people were happy to support the idea. Before that, many of the students had already visited the territory of the enterprise on excursions. And this time they saw how the company's employees were resting. Everything was at the highest level. We played games, went skiing, horseback riding and agreed on further cooperation. I really liked that a husband and wife work at the same company, and they spend their free time together. A good example for our youth. It's cool, it's great," said Natalia Strizhakova, a college teacher.

After walking in the fresh air, well refreshed, the participants of the event held a joint meeting. Representatives of the company told the students about the sought-after specialties, the dual training system, social guarantees, charitable and environmental actions.

After walking in the fresh air, well refreshed, the participants of the event held a joint meeting предоставлено пресс-службой АО «ТАИФ-НК»

“These guys are our future employees. I am glad that students started joining the company already at the training stage. We want them to see that we have not only work, but also a sporting and cultural life. Today we've also agreed to jointly hold sports and environmental events. For example, to collect waste paper or help a shelter for homeless animals," said environmental engineer Alyona Mukharnikova.

“We met college students, showed ourselves. We heard each other and outlined joint plans. We will keep in touch. The students suggested inviting schoolchildren to popularise working professions from the school desk," emphasises labour protection specialist Dilara Yusupova.

“Emotions are only positive. We were all delighted. We went skiing, horseback riding, tubing. The students were inspired to see what a bright and interesting life is in our company, and they want to work with us. Such events attract active, purposeful young people to the production," Gulnur Kurbangalieva, an engineer at the sanitary laboratory, admitted.

However, the company's employees and students decided not to delay the further meeting, but agreed to see each other again this week at the corporate quiz.

Lilia Yegorova

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