Vladimir Putin planning to run for new presidential term

Vladimir Putin planning to run for new presidential term
Photo: screenshot of realnoevremya.ru from kremlin.ru

President of Russia Vladimir Putin is planning to run for a new presidential term. He told Hero of the People’s Republic of Donetsk Artyom Zhoga about his plans for participating in the 2024 elections during a ceremony by Homeland Heroes Day, says TASS news agency.

Artyom Zhoga asked the Russian leader to run for a new term. The head of the country replied to this proposal positively.

“We are very glad the president heard our petition for declaring his candidacy, all Russia is supporting him,” RIA Novosti cites him.

Artyom Zhoga claimed the readiness to become Putin’s entrusted person. He added that the current head of the country would run because “precisely today he needs to be with the people.”

Putin’s current duties as head of the country expires on 7 May next year. He became the president of the country in 2000. Eight years later, Vladimir Putin ceded his position to Dmitry Medvedev. However, four years later, he became head of the country again.

On 8 December, the Russian Central Electoral Commission confirmed a three-day presidential voting in 2024 at the first official meeting dedicated to the start of the presidential campaign. The voting will be on 15, 16 and 17 March.

Candidates for becoming a president of Russia will be declared until 1 January. The Central Electoral Commission will consider the applications within five days after their reception. Candidates can already start submitting applications.

Ayrat Nazipov

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