Kazan residents sue city hall for hundreds of thousands of rubles for cars broken on roads

Kazan residents sue city hall for hundreds of thousands of rubles for cars broken on roads
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Oleg Tikhonov

Roads did not comply with GOST standards

Residents of Kazan sued the city hall for the fact that their cars were damaged on local roads in accidents. In total, they received about 460 thousand rubles. The cases were considered in the Vakhitovsky court.

The first case concerns the owner of a KIA car, his driver got into a hole on the road. The man wrote a claim to the city authorities with a request to pay him compensation, but he was denied satisfaction of the claims. Then he went to court. Since the administration of Kazan could not ensure proper control over the maintenance of the roadway, the car owner asked to collect 74 thousand rubles from her as compensation for damages, 6,5 thousand rubles for conducting an assessment, 15 thousand rubles for legal services.

At the meeting, it became known that the dimensions of the pothole were: width — 55 cm, depth — 10 cm, length — 110 cm, which does not correspond to the permissible defects of the coating GOST R 50597-2017 (length — up to 15 cm, depth — up to 5 cm) and had to be eliminated by the Executive Committee of Kazan. The mayor's office could not prove its non-involvement in the pit and the accident, as a result of which the decision was made in favour of the injured man. All his claims were satisfied. And they have to pay him the amounts that he asked to recover.

realnoevremya.ru (archive)

Another case concerns a driver who was driving a Toyota Avensis. He ran into a pothole on the roadway. After the traffic accident, the traffic police inspector drew up an act of identified deficiencies in the maintenance of roads, road structures and technical means of traffic management.

According to the scheme of the incident, the dimensions of the pothole were: width — 38 cm, depth — 15 cm, length — 90 cm, which, according to the plaintiff, does not correspond to the permissible defects of the coating GOST R 50597-2017 (length — up to 15 cm, depth — up to 5 cm) and had to be eliminated by the balance holder, namely by the city authorities.

The man asked to recover from the executive committee of the city in his favour damages of 185 thousand rubles, the cost of assessment services in the amount of 10 thousand rubles, legal expenses in the amount of 20 thousand rubles, the refund of the state fee in the amount of 4,9 thousand rubles. However, the requirements of the car owner were not fully satisfied. The amount of damage was reduced to 154 thousand rubles.

The owner of the Mazda 6 car received the most among all victims. While driving, he ran into a pit, as a result of which the vehicle received mechanical damage. In his favour at the trial, he asked the mayor's office to recover damages in the amount of 184 thousand rubles, expenses for assessment services in the amount of 7 thousand rubles, expenses for legal services in the amount of 20 thousand rubles, expenses for notarial power of attorney in the amount of 2,1 thousand rubles, refund of state duty in the amount of 5,9 thousand rubles.

According to the scheme of the incident, the dimensions of the pit were 14 cm deep, 3,5 m long, 1,09 m wide, which does not correspond to the permissible defects of the coating GOST R 50597-2017 (length — up to 15 cm, depth — up to 5 cm) and had to be eliminated by the city hall. The driver's claims were fully satisfied.

400 thousand rubles for one Audi

This summer, Realnoe Vremya reported how a Kazan driver sued the city authorities for more than 400 thousand rubles for the fact that his car got into a pit. He got into an accident while driving along Ibragimova Prospekt, at the intersection with Vorovsky Street.

The trial took place in the Vakhitovsky court from April of this year. The injured Kazan citizen was driving around the city in his Audi A6 (the cost of a new car is from 4 million rubles — ed.) and crashed into a pit, the depth of which was 12 centimeters, length — 70 centimeters, width — 30 centimeters. At the trial, he asked to recover from the city authorities 412,7 thousand rubles for the injured car, 22 thousand rubles spent on a lawyer, 4,5 thousand rubles for evaluation services, and 50 thousand rubles of compensation for moral damage.

realnoevremya.ru (archive)

As a result, the court decided to satisfy the claim only partially. The man should receive from the city executive committee more than 412 thousand rubles for the damaged car, 15,000 rubles for the services of a lawyer, and 4,500 rubles for conducting a damage assessment. The demands for moral compensation were not satisfied.

In Kazan, more than half a billion rubles are going to be allocated for road repairs

We should add that in September it became known that 546,2 million rubles will be allocated for road repairs in Kazan. As Realnoe Vremya found out, it is necessary to put in order the plots in the Novo-Savinovsky and Vakhitovsky districts of the city.

realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

In the first case, it is necessary to repair the section of Fatykha Amirkhana Street from Chetaeva Street to Millennium, and in the second — from the bridge to Nikolaya Ershova Street.

The total length of the sections is 1,980 kilometres. The works must be completed by October 20, 2024. The customer is Directorate of PDR Financing State Institution.

Alexander Zaripov

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