Russia Day celebration in Kazan 1.5 times cheaper

Russia Day celebration in Kazan 1.5 times cheaper
Photo: Nazmetdinov

Contract is almost 4 million cheaper

The organisation of cultural events dedicated to Russia Day in Kazan became 3,92 million rubles, or 41%, cheaper, Realnoe Vremya found out. The contract was signed for 5.6 million rubles — the lowest sum for this holiday in the last years.

A local company Event Service will organise and hold Russia Day in Kazan like in 2022. There were four candidates for the right to sign a contract with the city’s Culture Department. The other three offered their services for 9.4 million rubles, 9 million rubles and almost 5.7 million rubles.

Event Service has already organised and held events for the Kazan authorities. Besides Russia Day, the company organised outdoor events during Cultural Environment. Summer 2022 for 895,000 rubles, a cultural programme on New Year’s Even for 2,7 million rubles and New Year theatre performances for children for almost 1.3 million rubles last year. In a contract with the Tatarstan Ministry of Culture, Event Service organised the opening and closing ceremonies as well as recitals with Russian and foreign actors during the 18th Kazan International Muslim Cinema Festival.

Photo: Tikhonov

Event Service was registered in Kazan in May 2017. Its authorised capital is 10,000 rubles. Ex-director of local Alga company holding entertaining events Alexey Koklin is the beneficiary of the company. It is chaired by Denis Blinov.

Last year, incomes of Event Service totalled 30.99 million rubles, expenses did 30.1 million rubles, revenue — 28.1 million rubles. Its net profit is assessed at 556,000 rubles, which is less than in 2021 when it reached 989,000. Net assets in early 2023 amounted to 1.5 million rubles.

The celebration of Russia Day in Kazan in 2023 will become the cheapest in the last years. So in 2019, the contract cost 7.67 million rubles, in 2021 — it did 7.9 million rubles.

In 2022, the contract to organise and hold Russia Day in the capital of Tatarstan was signed for 8,05 million. The starting price topped 9.5 million rubles.

Celebrations near Cup on 12 June

It should be reminded that the value of the contract to organise and hold cultural events dedicated to Russia Day in Kazan this year was 9.5 million rubles first. The festivities are financed by the city’s budget.

The festivities on 12 June, which is Monday and is going to be a day-off, are due to take place near Kazan Family Centre. A Russian pop star is expected to perform and there is going to be festive fireworks lasting for two minutes.

A concert programme near the family centre on 12 June will last at least for three hours. Folk and contemporary dance bands, ten singers, a duet, children’s dance group are going to perform onstage. Pop music is given 12 minutes in the regulation. A director who is an honourable worker of Tatarstan, a scriptwriter, sound director and four administrators will organise the programme.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

The concert will traditionally include as few as two Tatar pop stars performing with a music band. A performer who is known across Russia is going to fly from Moscow to Kazan in business class. The artist is going to be accommodated in a luxury room of a five-star hotel within a walking distance from the city centre. It is yet unknown who is it. Information usually appears after signing the contract on the organisation of the event.

Tatiana Dyomina

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