Kazan City Hall: ‘The construction of incinerator plant has been postponed indefinitely’

The Kazan city Hall answered the question about the fate of the incinerator in the city. The official comment of the executive committee staff appeared on social networks:
“So far, the construction of incinerator plant has been postponed indefinitely. According to the Housing and Communal Services Committee, now and earlier, MSW is being taken to the landfill on Khimicheskaya Street in the Moscow district," the mayor's office noted.

Later, the press service of the Mayor's office told Realnoe Vremya: “We cannot name the exact date.”
In mid-February, it became known that the RT-Invest project, which is engaged in the construction of five waste incinerators generating thermal energy, is experiencing difficulties due to lack of equipment. Such problem, in particular, was observed at the plant in Kazan. The equipment for the enterprise was supposed to be supplied by the Swiss-Japanese consortium Hitachi Zosen Inova, but first because of the pandemic, and then sanctions, they refused to do so.
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