Public toilet near Kremlin Dam in Kazan to cost 11 million

Public toilet near Kremlin Dam in Kazan to cost 11 million
Photo: (archive)

Preparations for construction begin in February

As Realnoe Vremya found out, a new toilet module will be installed in Kazan under the Kremlin Dam this year. The city authorities plan to spend 11.4 million rubles on the implementation of this project. The works on the site will have to be completed in the summer. At the same time, contractors will have to provide a guarantee for the completed work for a period of 60 months.

The cost of the works also includes:

  • general construction works;
  • roofing works;
  • electrical installation works;
  • plumbing works (water supply, sewerage);
  • finishing works;
  • technological connection to electric networks.

There is also a point in the conditions of work: to conduct construction in such a way that the environment is not affected and there is no interference with the operation of public transport and the movement of pedestrians in construction sites. Platonov

Funds for the appearance of a toilet module under the Kremlin dam are allocated from the city budget. Preparatory works begin this February, and construction and installation works are to be carried out from March to June.

The toilets will be designed for people with limited mobility

As they explained to Realnoe Vremya in the press service of the city hall, the construction of the toilet module became possible thanks to the holding of the BRICS summit in Kazan. By the time of such a high-level event, not only new restrooms will appear in the capital of the republic, but the old ones will be partially modernised. (archive)

“All toilet modules, including those under the Kremlin Dam, will include a toilet for people with limited mobility, designed also for mothers with children (it will be equipped with a changing table). It is planned to place two sinks and hand dryers in the men's and women's sections. There are three closed cubicles in the women's department, two stalls and a urinal in the men's department. There are technical rooms in each section. The configuration and design of each individual module will be adapted depending on the location. In general, it is planned to adhere to minimalism using practical materials, the city administration reported.

They added that 48 toilet modules have been installed in the city to date.

Almost 70 million rubles have been allocated for the maintenance of toilets in Kazan

In total, this year officials from the city hall will spend 68 million rubles on maintenance of city toilets. In total, the list includes 52 stationary and modular restrooms located in parks and squares of the city. The project documentation indicates the necessary work to maintain the cleanliness of toilets: cleaning toilets, urinals, and sinks. Tikhonov

Besides, the modules will be cleaned regularly, floors and mirrors will be washed. All this should be done daily. As for disinfection, according to the documentation, it will be carried out once every 10 days.

Alexander Zaripov

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