Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers to lower consumer budget

Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers to lower consumer budget
Photo: Fatykhov (archive)

The Tatarstan Cabinet of Ministers approved the amount of the lowest consumer budget across the republic in general in the third quarter of 2023. It reduced compared to the previous three months.

In July-September 2023, consumer budget in Tatarstan was 21.937 rubles. It is 83 rubles, or 0.4% less than during this year’s second quarter.

Compared to the third quarter of 2022, consumer budget in Tatarstan rose by 4.28%, 900 rubles. It was fixed at 21.037 rubles. Platonov (archive)

It should be reminded that in April-June 2023, the lowest consumer budget in Tatarstan reached 22.020 rubles. The amount of appeared to be 215 rubles lower than in January-March when it was equal to 21.805 rubles.

Tatiana Dyomina

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