The company with high social efficiency: TAIF-NK becomes a winner of prestigious Russian competition

The company with high social efficiency: TAIF-NK becomes a winner of prestigious Russian competition
Photo: provided to by press service of TAIF-NK JSC

TAIF-NK JSC is recognised as one of the most socially effective companies in Russia. The refinery won silver at the regional stage of the competition Russian Organisation of High Social Efficiency. The award ceremony was held at the Ministry of Labour, Employment, and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan. TAIF-NK JSC took the second place in the nomination “For the reduction of occupational injuries and occupational morbidity in industrial organisations”. Creating safe working conditions, preserving the life and health of employees, ensuring reliable operation of hazardous production facilities are one of the priorities of the company's activities. Since 2020, no occupational diseases have been recorded at the refinery and no accidents at work. In 2023, Rostrud, taking into account the available indicators of reporting on potential harm in the field of labour, reduced the risk category of TAIF-NK JSC from high to significant. About what kind of work is carried out in the field of social policy, labour protection, and industrial safety at TAIF-NK JSC — in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

“Work without risks and threats to life and health”

TAIF-NK JSC is the winner of the regional stage of the Russian Organisation of High Social Efficiency competition. First Deputy Minister of Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Valiullov presented diplomas to the best organisations and enterprises.

TAIF-NK JSC is the winner of the regional stage of the Russian Organisation of High Social Efficiency competition. Arseny Favstritsky/

Presenting the awards, he noted that the experts highly appreciated the active internal corporate policy, achievements in working with personnel, improvement of working conditions and labour protection, development of social partnership, formation of a healthy lifestyle at enterprises.

“Congratulations to all the winners, thank you for your active participation and we hope that in the next stages, you will adequately represent the Republic of Tatarstan at the federal level," Rustem Valiullov addressed the audience.

Diploma from the hands of First Deputy Minister of Labour, Employment and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Valiullov was received by Director General for General Affairs Assistant of TAIF-NK JSC Vladimir Gatunok. Arseny Favstritsky/

The diploma from the hands of First Deputy Minister of Labour, Employment, and Social Protection of the Republic of Tatarstan Rustem Valiullov was received by Director General for General Affairs Assistant of TAIF-NK JSC Vladimir Gatunok.

“This award is a confirmation of the effectiveness of the large-scale, systematic, continuous work that is carried out at all our production facilities under the leadership of the company. The goal and objective: work without risks and threats to the life and health of each of our specialists. I can confidently say that we passed the previous year and the first half of 2023 without accidents, injuries or cases of occupational diseases," he said.

Taking care of everyone

The prize-winning place in the All-Russian competition once again confirmed the high efficiency of TAIF-NK JSC in the development of human resources and solving social problems. The company's activities in this area are systemic in nature and are aimed at creating effective and safe workplaces, ensuring social protection of employees and their family members, continuous professional development of personnel, maintaining a favourable social environment. TAIF-NK JSC has developed a set of measures aimed at preventing the slightest threats of accidents. Their implementation is monitored by special commissions for production control. Special attention is paid to the technical audit of hazardous production facilities of the enterprise.

Prize-winning place in the All-Russian competition once again confirmed the high efficiency of TAIF-NK JSC in the development of human resources and solving social problems. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

The competitions in the fire relay for the cup of TAIF-NK JSC are one of the elements of ensuring fire safety and compliance with the fire safety regime at explosive facilities of the enterprise. Every year, in theory, and most importantly in practice, the Company's employees prove that they are fully prepared for emergencies at work. Certified emergency rescue unit (NASF) has successfully operated in the Company since 2008 to perform gas rescue and emergency oil and petroleum product spill response operations at the facilities of TAIF-NK JSC, as well as to provide first aid before the arrival of emergency services. This is an independent structure created from among the employees operating hazardous production facilities of TAIF-NK JSC.

Competitions in the fire relay for the cup of TAIF-NK JSC are one of the elements of ensuring fire safety and compliance with the fire safety regime at explosive facilities of the enterprise. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

Every employee of the company is required to undergo occupational safety training in specialised training centres that have the appropriate licenses and accreditation. The staff learns to provide first aid, use personal protective equipment, learns in detail about the dangers that may arise in the workplace, and how to act in emergency situations.

Every employee of the company is required to undergo occupational safety training in specialised training centres that have the appropriate licenses and accreditation. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

According to the schedule, the company's employees undergo practical testing of safe methods and techniques for installing and removing plugs on process equipment, instrumentation and control equipment, assembling and disassembling electrical circuits simulating transformer substations and switchgear.

For the safe conduct of work process, employees are given personal protective equipment, flushing and neutralising agents, special clothing and shoes. It is sewn from polyaramide fabric — a non-combustible material. This type of suit has a number of advantages: strength, lightness, resistance to mechanical stress, acids and alkalis and, most importantly, the inability to burn and melt.

According to the schedule, the company's employees undergo practical testing of safe methods and techniques for installing and removing plugs on technological equipment. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

To reduce injuries in the workplace, digital technologies are being introduced that allow reducing the excessive burden on people and, as a result, minimising errors associated with the “human factor”. Under the close supervision of TAIF-NK JSC proper conditions at the workplaces of employees are ensured. The workplace conditions of each employee are regularly checked by specialists of their own sanitary and industrial laboratory. They go to the production site and measure the noise, vibration, lighting, humidity, and air temperature of the working area. Based on the results of the manufacturing supervision performed, laboratory staff draw up protocols and send them to the environmental protection department and the labour protection service for timely adoption of the necessary decisions. Besides, every employee of the company gets acquainted with information about the current conditions at the workplace. If prerequisites for exceeding the standards are identified, all necessary measures are taken to normalise the situation.

For the safe conduct of work process, employees are given personal protective equipment, flushing and neutralising agents, special clothing and shoes. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

To attract attention to labour protection issues and create an incentive to improve the work performed, TAIF-NK JSC holds an annual review competition on labour protection, industrial, fire, and environmental safety.

Health of employees is a priority

To prevent accidents at work, as well as to prevent occupational diseases, employees of TAIF-NK JSC undergo periodic medical examinations annually. Their main task is to establish the professional fitness of a person to work for health reasons.

Rinat Kurmanov: “We are honing the medical examination from year to year so that our employees can comfortably and more conveniently undergo this procedure.” Artem Ryabov/

“A medical examination is an important event that helps to assess the health status of the company's employees. We hone the medical examination from year to year so that our employees can comfortably and more conveniently undergo this procedure. This year, a lot of emphasis is placed on conducting medical examinations. To do this, we send our employees to the Nizhnekamsk Central District Multidisciplinary Hospital. Medical examination also makes it possible to assess the health status of employees, identify problems and take measures to eliminate them," said Rinat Kurmanov, the head of the Labour Protection Service of TAIF-NK JSC.

Experts note that many health problems can be solved at an early stage of the disease. However, people often tend to postpone visits to the doctor, citing lack of time. During the medical examination, employees not only undergo a full screening, but also receive advice from doctors. This year, more than 3,411 people have undergone a mandatory medical examination at TAIF-NK JSC.

The company's employees are examined by specialists such as an otolaryngologist, optometrist, neurologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist, dentist and, therapist. Artem Ryabov/

“Medical examination is a diagnostic study aimed at preventing health and determining possible diseases. The purpose of a comprehensive examination is to detect pathologies at an early stage to successfully cure and continue to work. Preventive medical examination gives the opportunity to track and record the dynamics of health changes, determine the presence of diseases, and cure the disease at an early stage," says therapist Yulia Khayrullina.

The company's employees are examined by specialists such as an otolaryngologist, optometrist, neurologist, neuropathologist, psychiatrist, dentist and, therapist. Women — additionally a mammologist and gynecologist. The company's employees took a general blood test, took an electrocardiogram, and underwent ultrasound.

According to the employees of TAIF-NK JSC, this year a medical examination could be completed within an hour and a half. Everyone was given a coupon, which indicated the time of reception. There were no queues or jostling. Men were examined at one time, women — at another. An air conditioner was installed in the room so that doctors could conduct an appointment in the most comfortable conditions during the heat.

This year, more than 3,411 people have undergone a mandatory medical examination at TAIF-NK JSC. Artem Ryabov/

“We have examined the employees of TAIF-NK for the second month. In the first it was men, now — women. Each specialist does a lot of work to assess the state of health. Patients come with gratitude, say thank you, because they were able to identify health abnormalities in time and give recommendations. Separately, we would like to note the high organisation of the medical examination. Everything goes clearly and accurately," emphasises therapist Yulia Khayrullina.

Conveniently, quickly and efficiently, the company's employees can also undergo fluorography. To do this, a fluoromobile runs around the territory of the enterprise. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

Conveniently, quickly and efficiently, the company's employees can also undergo fluorography. To do this, a fluoromobile runs around the territory of the enterprise. A specially equipped car arrives at the specified address at the appointed time for the procedure. Here, on the spot, the result of the examination is ready in a matter of minutes.

“Medical examination is very important and necessary. Women should be examined annually by a mammologist, gynecologist. Thanks to medical examination, preventive medical examination, it is possible to track the slightest deviations from the norm and changes occurring in the body," says the translator of the technical translation department of TAIF-NK JSC, Rezeda Gimazetdinova.

According to the employees of TAIF-NK JSC, this year a medical examination could be completed within an hour and a half. Artem Ryabov/

“I have worked as an operator of technological units at a refinery for 15 years, my job, although not simple, is very interesting and in demand. Only completely healthy people are allowed to work. I annually take a general blood test, biochemistry, undergo examination of the cardiovascular system, ultrasound of the pelvis and internal organs. We are examined by narrowly focused specialists. It is very convenient that doctors wait in one place at the appointed time. Thank you to the management of the company for the opportunity and taking care of our health," says Galina Kuznetsova, the operator of technological units at TAIF-NK JSC Refinery.

System of maintaining the health of employees of TAIF-NK JSC is a continuous closed cycle. Artem Ryabov/

Free trips to sanatorium

The system of maintaining the health of employees of TAIF-NK JSC is a continuous closed cycle. If the doctor identifies the prerequisites for a disease, then he sends the employee to the sanatorium-resort complex to restore, prevent and prolong his professional longevity. The medical staff of the sanatorium, in turn, having a person's health resort card on hand, provides the employee of TAIF-NK JSC with a full course of medical procedures. Following to the results of sanatorium treatment, the client is issued a discharge summary, which he must submit to his therapist.

One of the sanatoriums where the employees of TAIF-NK JSC are currently undergoing treatment is Varzi-Yatchi. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

One of the sanatoriums where the employees of TAIF-NK JSC are currently undergoing treatment is Varzi-Yatchi. This is a modern medical and diagnostic complex of the highest category. It is located in the picturesque places of neighbouring Udmurtia. Vacationers live in comfortable rooms with all amenities. They have meals 5 times a day. The menu is dietary, but at the same time, satisfying and balanced. The attending physician prescribes an individual treatment programme for everyone.

Vasil Appakov, a mechanic at the Gasoline Plant of TAIF-NK JSC, admits that his stay at Varzi-Yatchi left only the most positive emotions. Special attention is paid here to the treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system (massages, water treatments), treatment of diseases of the nervous and cardiac system, skin diseases.

Vasil Appakov, a mechanic at the Gasoline Plant of TAIF-NK JSC, admits that his stay at Varzi-Yatchi left only the most positive emotions. provided to by TAIF-NK JSC

“I really liked the rest, including wellness. Thanks to the management of TAIF-NK, I was given a voucher to a sanatorium. The choice for this sanatorium was not accidental, since I have heard a lot about it. The staff here is friendly, they will always help, explain. All procedures are pleasant and painless. They include: therapeutic swimming, physical education, mud poultice applications on the body, iodine-bromine baths, Charcot's douche, massage, therapeutic procedures related to the musculoskeletal system, and others," Vasil Appakov shares his impressions of the rest.

A healthy lifestyle is a priority

By the way, the corporate wellness programmes of TAIF-NK JSC include not only preventive examination and treatment in sanatoriums, but also the most important link in this chain — prevention. The company's employees are actively involved in physical culture and sports. To do this, the company regularly hosts corporate sports events — mini-football, volleyball, table tennis, ski racing and more. Each employee can pass the GTO standards.

“The policy of TAIF-NK is aimed at improving the health of employees. The company hosts many different events that help maintain good physical shape, which means staying healthy. Last year, there was not a single case when an employee was not allowed to perform his duties for health reasons. Sport helps to stay healthy, energetic and energised for labour exploits," emphasises Rinat Kurmanov, the head of the Labour Protection Service of TAIF-NK JSC.

The company regularly hosts corporate sports events. Alexander Ilyin/

Health Day, which was held at the beginning of July on the city maidan, became unique in its scale and intensity. The company's employees, together with their families, showed physical abilities and endurance — they developed a sense of rhythm in dance, flexibility in team yoga, jumped on a giant rope and inflatable “bananas”, pedaled on exercise bikes and, having tried on matryoshka costumes, speed ran. Cotton candy, popcorn, animators, active contests, soap bubbles, and a magician's show awaited the youngest. At the end of the sports and cultural event, everyone was treated to a delicious lunch and hot tea.

For children — the best health camps of Tatarstan

TAIF-NK JSC takes equal care of both its employees and their family members. The company regularly provides children with preferential vouchers to the best camps of the Republic of Tatarstan. One of these is Chayka summer camp. It is located in a pine forest on the picturesque bank of Zai River, 16 kilometres away from Nizhnekamsk. On its territory, there is a swimming pool, modern stadium, gym, beach, “fabulous” children's towns.

The company regularly provides children with preferential vouchers to the best camps of the Republic of Tatarstan. Artem Ryabov/

Here, the children are engaged in applied arts, singing, drawing, playing football, pionerball, volleyball, basketball, table tennis. Real professionals work with children. Experienced teachers, educators, and sports instructors help children discover their creativity and realise their wildest dreams.

Experienced teachers, educators, and sports instructors help children discover their creativity and realise their wildest dreams. Artem Ryabov/

“Every shift, we hold sports championships, organise friendly meetings with the teams of other camps in football, pionerbol, floorball. This year, we have included the patriotic direction, we study the history of our native land, Russia, the exploits of our people. Every shift, we experience one of the historical events with the children. In the second shift, it was the Battle of Kulikovo. At first, we prepared theoretically, and then, dressed in costumes, we felt everything for ourselves," said Alexey Zakharov, the director of Chayka summer camp.

Twelve-year-old Nadezhda Bocharova has both mother and father working at TAIF-NK JSC. The girl has been resting in Chayka camp for the second year, says that she counted the days before arrival.

Twelve-year-old Nadezhda Bocharova has both mother and father working at TAIF-NK JSC. The girl has been resting in Chayka camp for the second year, says that she counted the days before arrival. Artem Ryabov/

“I really like it here. Every day we participate in various events. We are having fun, enjoy participating in contests and competitions. The camp gave me a lot of new friends and unforgettable impressions," Nadezhda shares her emotions.

For 14-year-old Kiram Sakhipov, this is the first trip to the camp in his life. A voucher at the enterprise was given to his father, a leading engineer of the industrial safety control department.

For 14-year-old Kiram Sakhipov, this is the first trip to the camp in his life. Artem Ryabov/

“I was insanely curious about how everything works here. When I arrived, I was a little embarrassed: there were a lot of unfamiliar guys and counsellors. It turned out that everything is not as scary as it seemed to me at first glance! All guys turned out to be very kind and positive. I have already participated in the football championship, flash mob, played in KVN," Kiram said.

13-year-old Amil Zinnatullin is also in the camp for the first time. He asked to go to Chayka himself.

13-year-old Amil Zinnatullin is also in the camp for the first time. Artem Ryabov/ Ad of TAIF-NK JSC

“I like this camp. It's great here, all classes are exciting, and we learn a lot of new things. I also like evening events, especially discos. And they also give delicious food here — 5 times a day," says Amil.

Creating safe working conditions, preserving the life and health of employees, ensuring reliable operation of hazardous production facilities are among the priority areas of activity of TAIF-NK JSC. The entire staff of the enterprise works for a common cause with full dedication, which further allows us to maintain the status of a socially-oriented company of the leader of the Russian oil refining industry.

Lilia Yegorova

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