TAIF and TAIF-NK hand over aid to Turkish Consulate General in Kazan for earthquake victims

Shoes and clothes — for rescuers and volunteers who continue to work to free people trapped under rubble, blankets — for survivors, already left for Turkey yesterday

TAIF and TAIF-NK hand over aid to Turkish Consulate General in Kazan for earthquake victims
Photo: Roman Khasaev/realnoevremya.ru

According to official data, which continue to be updated, as a result of a series of aftershocks in the south-east and central part of the Turkish Republic, more than 14 thousand people have been killed, almost 65 thousand have been injured. The works to free people trapped under rubble at the sites of the collapse of thousands of buildings continue. Nationwide mourning has been declared in the country. Russia has sent a team of doctors and more than 100 rescuers to help Turkish colleagues. In the regions of the Russian Federation, including Tatarstan, people and companies are collecting and transferring humanitarian aid for the fraternal Turkish people. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Most powerful earthquake since 1939

The first tremor with a magnitude of about 7,7 points occurred in the south-east of Turkey, at a depth of about 10 kilometres, on the night of February 6. Then another series of shocks. And another. Now the account of aftershocks goes on hundreds, and there is no guarantee that they stopped. The disaster has been called the largest in the last more than 80 years.

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan noted that more than 13 million people have been affected by the disaster in his country alone. Together with Syria, where thousands of people have been killed and injured, the disaster has affected the lives of more than 23 million.

“Please accept my deep condolences in connection with the human casualties and large-scale destruction. I ask you to convey words of sympathy and support to the relatives and friends of the victims, wishes for a speedy recovery to all those affected. We sincerely share the bitterness of these losses and grieve together with you and the fraternal people of Turkey," on the very first day, when it was difficult to even imagine the full scale of the tragedy, Rustam Minnikhanov, the rais of Tatarstan, chairman of the Russia — Islamic World Strategic Vision Group, addressed the president of Turkey with words of support.

Without waiting for calls

Tatarstan and Turkey have long-standing friendly and business relations. People in the republic responded almost immediately to the disaster that befell the fraternal people. One by one and in an organised manner, Tatarstan citizens reached out to the country's Consulate in Kazan, carrying blankets, warm clothes, thermos flasks, tents, USB drives, sleeping bags…

Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikhanov instructed the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic to streamline the work on the collection of humanitarian goods. Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Dinar Fatykhov

Later , Rustam Minnikhanov instructed the Cabinet of Ministers of the republic should streamline the work on collecting humanitarian aid for the residents of Turkey affected by the disaster. Its work is coordinated by Deputy Prime Minister of the Government of the Republic of Tatarstan Leyla Fazleeva and Consul General of Turkey in Tatarstan Ismet Erikan. A special account has been opened to which all those who are not indifferent can transfer funds.

  • *Ak Bars Creation Charitable Foundation* OGRN 1061600052425 INN/KPP 1658079690/165701001 r/s 40703810100020000999 in Ak Bars Bank BIK 049205805 K/s 30101810000000000805 Purpose of payment: Assistance to residents of Turkey.

Ismet Erikan: “It is right to say that friends are known in trouble”

From the first day, as soon as it became known about the tragedy in Turkey, the doors of the Consulate General of the republic in Kazan have not been closed for a moment. Now in streams, then in continuous streams, people are coming and driving up. They are carrying bags, boxes, bags…

Ismet Erikan: “People are coming to the Consulate General in a continuous stream to help.” Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

“It is right to say that friends are known in trouble. We saw it here — in Tatarstan. Now ordinary citizens and representatives of companies are coming here in a continuous stream. Someone is bringing things in packages, someone is bringing in whole cars. Now representatives of TAIF and TAIF-NK companies have arrived. We are very grateful for the help that you all provide to the Republic of Turkey in this difficult time," Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Kazan Ismet Erikan shared in an interview with Realnoe Vremya.

TAIF Group handed over workwear, shoes, blankets, etc. for shipment to the affected regions of Turkey. Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

At that time, representatives of TAIF JSC and TAIF-NK JSC were bringing boxes and bags into the hall reserved for the temporary storage of humanitarian goods.

“What has happened in the Republic of Turkey is a terrible disaster, irreparable losses of the Turkish people. We grieve with you," Maksim Novikov, the director general of TAIF-NK JSC, addressed the Consul General. He stressed: “We are nearby and, as soon as we heard the call for help, we immediately responded. Now we have brought suits — summer, winter ones, warm blankets. Everything that our partners and friends have asked for is what we need right now.

Leonid Kozlovsky: “The earthquake in Turkey is a tragedy for the whole world.” Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

“Tatarstan and the Republic of Turkey have long-standing strong partnership relations. When such tragedies occur, and this is a tragedy for the whole world, our company, like the whole of Tatarstan, could not stay away. The leadership of TAIF decided to form a humanitarian cargo. We grieve together with all the people of the Republic of Turkey," said Leonid Kozlovsky, the head of the press centre of TAIF JSC.

Assistance to the Turkish people from TAIF Group included special clothing and shoes. Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

“Please accept our sincere condolences. We wish to restore the infrastructure as soon as possible and return to normal life," Evgeny Simonov, the managing director of TAIF JSC, addressed Ismet Erik. He also added: “There are 3 types of clothing sets: lightweight suits and insulated, special shoes.

Warm blankets are primarily intended for earthquake victims. As for shoes and clothing, the emphasis here was on those who are now helping to search for survivors under the rubble.

Boots reinforced with titanium will help rescuers and volunteers sorting through the rubble at the sites of collapsed houses. Photo: Roman Khasaev/realnoevremya.ru

“Clothes and shoes are specialised. All clothing is reinforced and wear-resistant. Shoes — with a titanium tray. Now the task of operational analysis of the rubble, under which there are still living people, is particularly acute. And such clothes and shoes are exactly what rescuers and volunteers need, those who are now dismantling the rubble and rescuing people trapped under the ruins. We hope that our participation will help save as many lives as possible," explained Maksim Novikov.

Maksim Novikov: “We hope that specialised clothes and reinforced shoes will help the volunteers save as many lives as possible.” Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

It's getting colder in Turkey now. This is especially felt at night. People who have lost everything: housing, belongings, relatives — can only hope for the warmth of caring, which is now going to the republic from all over the world. But material warmth is also needed for this heat — the Consul General asks everyone who has such opportunity to help with insulated winter tents. They are very necessary for those who are left without a roof over their heads.

People who have been deprived of everything by the elements now really need help, and Tatarstan's contribution is invaluable. Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru

“This is not the last help from us. More warm sleeping bags will arrive soon," director general of TAIF-NK JSC Maksim Novikov informed the Consul General.

Maksim Novikov: “More warm sleeping bags will arrive soon.” Photo: Maksim Platonov/realnoevremya.ru. Advertisement: TAIF-NK JSC

According to Mr. Erikan, humanitarian supplies are not delayed in Tatarstan. Already today, everything that has been brought to the Consulate General has been loaded into a truck and sent by land to Moscow, and from there by plane to the most affected regions of Turkey.

Assistance from Tatarstan, including humanitarian cargo from TAIF and TAIF-NK, has already been sent to the recipients. Photo: Roman Khasaev/realnoevremya.ru

The Consul General of the Republic of Turkey in Kazan hopes very much that there will be no delays either on the road or at customs. Not even every day is precious, but every hour and minute.

Arseny Favstritsky

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