Tourism opportunities of Tatarstan to be advertised in its capital

Advertising in Kazan tourist transport
Tatarstan's State Committee for Tourism plans to launch an advertising campaign to promote the republic's tourism opportunities once again, Realnoe Vremya found out. This time we have decided to organise it right in the capital of the region — in Kazan.
They want to promote tourist opportunities with the help of at least three double-decker City Sightseeing Kazan buses, on which tourists are driven around the city. They will be pasted with advertising materials from the outside all over the body, including doors, side and rear windows. The total area of such a design of one bus will be at least 110 square metres.

It is planned to advertise the opportunities that exist in Tatarstan for tourists for at least one month. Each of the three pasted buses should run around Kazan daily.
Traditionally, advertising materials will be made on the basis of the tourist brandbook of Tatarstan. If the contractor who undertook the advertising campaign does not meet its standards, the State Committee of the Republic for Tourism reserves the right not to accept the services.

The contractor must prove the fact of covering buses with advertising materials with photo reports, providing at least four photos from each of the four sides of the bus. The campaign to promote Tatarstan's tourism opportunities is confirmed separately. The method is the same — at least four photos of each bus showing the transportation of passengers in Kazan. The pictures must be taken at different times during the month.
Almost 3 million rubles are planned to be spent on advertising tourism opportunities in Tatarstan. This amount will be allocated from the republican budget.
Tourists are attracted to Tatarstan on trips
Promotion of tourism opportunities in Tatarstan is carried out regularly. However, an advertising campaign in this direction on the territory of Kazan is something new. Earlier, the State Committee of the Republic for Tourism ordered services in two capitals of Russia — Moscow and St. Petersburg.
For example, in October, the agency announced a tender for the placement of advertising posters about Tatarstan's tourist opportunities in at least four double-decker trains arriving from Moscow to Kazan. Less was provided for this than for the planned campaign in the capital of the republic — 2,159 million rubles. At least 384 posters should be placed in all train cars on the compartment doors.

The contract was eventually concluded for 2,08 million rubles. It went to an individual entrepreneur from Surgut, Vladimir Poyda, Realnoe Vremya found out.
In August of this year, the Tatarstan State Committee for Tourism placed a tender for an advertising campaign to promote the republic's tourism opportunities in Moscow and St. Petersburg. It was decided to hold it with the help of posters on the folding tables of the rear backs of the seats in the tourist cars of at least 12 high-speed Sapsan trains, plying between the two capital cities. The services were estimated at 8,5 million rubles.
The contract eventually went to the Bureau of Legal Services PLC, registered in Moscow. It is not the first time that a company specialising in legal activities, according to the SPARK Interfax system, has become a contractor of the Tatarstan State Committee for Tourism.
In total, since the beginning of 2022, the Tatarstan State Committee for Tourism has allocated more than 30 million rubles for an advertising campaign to promote the republic's tourism opportunities. In total, since January, the agency has announced five tenders for these services.

In addition to the above, the Tatarstan State Committee for Tourism announced two tenders in February 2022. One of them — to promote the republic's tourism opportunities in Moscow and St. Petersburg — was estimated at 11,1 million rubles. This is the most expensive of the tenders announced this year. It was also won by Bureau of Legal Services PLC.
Another tender of February — to promote Tatarstan's tourism opportunities in Moscow — was placed by the Tatarstan State Committee for Tourism with an initial price of 5,43 million rubles. The contract provided for the placement of advertising posters on Aeroexpress high-speed trains running in three directions: Sheremetyevo Airport — Moscow — Sheremetyevo Airport, Domodedovo Airport — Moscow —Domodedovo Airport, and Vnukovo Airport — Moscow — Vnukovo Airport. Its execution was carried out by Reshenie PLC for 5,37 million rubles.
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