Russians ask search engine whether Tatarstan part of Russia almost 2k times

Russians ask search engine whether Tatarstan part of Russia almost 2k times

Netizens typed into the Yandex search engine the query “Is Tatarstan Russia or not?" almost 2 thousand times a month. This is evidenced by the data of the Wordstat service.

Russians searched for an answer to such a question 1,907 times a month. Also, people asked the search engine “is Tatarstan Russia or a separate state?" more than 700 times.

In Google Trends, the popularity of the query “Tatarstan is Russia” began to grow in the period from September 18 to 24: from September 25 to October 1, Russians searched for the answer to this question 100 times.

Probably, such a number of requests is related to the announcement of partial mobilisation in the Russian Federation, after which many citizens began to leave the country. Huge congestion formed on the borders with Kazakhstan and Georgia. According to today's data of the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan, Murat Akhmetzhanov, more than 200 thousand Russians have entered the republic since the beginning of the announcement of partial mobilisation, while 147 thousand have left. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Georgia, 78,742 citizens of the Russian Federation arrived in the country from September 17 to 26. In this regard, temporary mobilisation points began to be deployed in the territories of the Verkhny Lars and Karauzek checkpoints. It was noted that draft notices were issued to all those subject to conscription, regardless of the region in which they were put on military registration.

Tatyana Leukhina

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