Car loans in Tatarstan plunge almost twice

Car loans for a total of 14,2 billion rubles were granted in Tatarstan during the first seven months. It is 42,9% less than during the same period last year, reads data of the National Bureau of Credit History.

In the number of car loans granted in January-July, Tatarstan is fifth in a rating of 30 leading regions. Moscow turned out to be first where car loans for 42,9 billion rubles were given in seven months, which is 48,7% less than during the same period in 2021. Moscow Oblast (29bn), Saint Petersburg (24,8bn) and Krasnodar Krai (17bn) are also in the top 5.

A fall in the number of car loans was registered in all 30 leading regions. The indicator fell the most in Sverdlovsk Oblast — by 52,4%. During the first seven months of 2020, car loans for 9,4 billion rubles in total were granted there.


In general according to 4,000 creditors’ data sending their information to the National Bureau of Credit History, in January-July 2022, car loans for 375,1 billion rubles were granted in Russia. It is 40,9% less than during the same period last year. At the same time, compared to January-July 2020 during the pandemic, this indicator rose by 2,9%.

According to the National Bureau of Credit History, the average car loan in Tatarstan in July was 960,788 rubles. It is 9,5% less than the previous month — in June, it surpassed a million.

Tatiana Dyomina

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