Minnikhanov names providing smooth operation and development of Tatarstan enterprises ultimate goal

At a meeting on the development of the republic’s industry held at the Kazan Gunpowder Plant on 12 May, Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov claimed that at the moment the enterprises of the republic were operating amid unprecedented sanctions and economic pressure. The president’s press service reports on this.

According to him, providing smooth operation and development of enterprises is the authorities’ ultimate goal today. Minnikhanov noted that support measures for the real sector of the economy were taken at federal and regional level. He stressed that it was necessary to systematically provide enterprises with effective support measures and the work should be done individually. However, this system hasn’t yet been set up completely.

Also, the president named the conservation of staff as central task for the enterprises’ smooth operation. He urged their management to take advantage of support measures of the employment service and called on the Tatarstan Ministry of Labour to monitor the situation and quickly take measures.

At a meeting in the Tatarstan House of Government in late April, Minnikhanov claimed that amid anti-Russian sanctions, a big role in providing the stability of the economy is attributed to backbone enterprises. The federal list includes 58 enterprises and organisations of the republic. The president tasked related ministries to elaborate a plan of actions with each of them for their uninterrupted operation.

Daria Akimova

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