Peskov: ‘Neither the State Department nor the Pentagon have the real information about what’s going on in the Kremlin’
A scheme in which the FRG can pay for gas in a currency is being considered
A settlement scheme for Russian gas in ruble for unfriendly countries is ready, it has already been presented to Russian President Vladimir Putin, his spokesman Dmitry Peskov has said and noted that it can be made public as early as today.
“There won’t be any changes de facto for Russian gas consumers paying for these supplies. In any case, they purchase rubles for the same currency used in the agreements. Russia sticks with its commitments within ongoing contracts and agreements, both in quantity and price and so on,” TASS cites him.

After a talk between Vladimir Putin and Germany’s Chancellor Olaf Schultz, the aide to the Russian leader Maxim Oreshkin explained to Berlin the conditions of gas payment in rubles in detail, has noted Peskov. According to him, a scheme in which the FRG can pay for gas in a currency via Gazprombank, which will be converted into rubles, is being considered.
“They don’t understand President Putin”
The Kremlin representative has also commented on US representatives’ statements that Putin isn’t receiving the full information about the course of the special operation in Ukraine.
“This concerns us. It turns out neither the State Department nor the Pentagon have the real information about what’s going on in the Kremlin. They simply don’t understand what’s going on in the Kremlin. They don’t understand President Putin. They don’t understand the mechanism of decision-making. They don’t understand our style of work,” he claimed (cited by Interfax).
As Peskov has noted, the misunderstanding of the situation leads to wrong and ill-considered decisions that have awful consequences.
Russia possesses a lot of evidence of human rights violation in Ukraine
Talking about the meeting between Presidents of Russia and Ukraine Vladimir Putin and Volodymyr Zelensky, Peskov has claimed that there is no specific time frame.
“Nothing has changed in this regard. We said earlier that a top-level meeting should be preceded by the finalisation of the job on the text of the agreement, approval and initialling this text by officials. And only then we can talk about a meeting at the top level,” TASS cites Peskov’s words.
As for the resumption of Russian-Ukrainian talks, the president’s spokesman has promised to provide information if this happens.
Russia possesses a lot of evidence of what’s happening in Ukraine, has claimed Peskov when commenting on the creation of a UN HRC to investigate human rights violations that have allegedly taken place in the context of the special military operation. It will operate for a year, a representative of Norway chaired it.
“A strenuous job needs to be done in this council. Moreover, we have a lot of evidence, this evidence is accumulated, carefully collected, verified and, of course, it will be used,” has noted Peskov (cited by TASS).
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