Russian Defence Ministry: Kyiv wanted to use drones to spray deadly substances

All main tasks of Russian Armed Forces in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions have been completed

The Ministry of Defence of Russia reported about the planned regrouping of troops in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions — the reduction of military activity there was announced on 29 March after the Russian-Ukrainian negotiations.

They reported that at the first stage of the special military operation “it was planned to force the enemy to concentrate their forces, assets, resources and military equipment to hold large settlements in these areas, including Kyiv.” The task was also to inflict on the armed formations of the Kyiv regime “such a defeat that would not allow it to use these forces in the main direction of action of our Armed Forces — in the Donbas”. These tasks have been completed, the Ministry of Defence noted.

Then it was necessary to create all necessary conditions for the final stage of the operation to liberate Donbass.

“For this purpose, a permanent targeted fire damage of the long-term defensive fortifications created by the Kyiv regime over eight years has been carried out and continues. All main lines of communication, supply and reserves approach have been taken under full control. Ukraine's air defenсe systems, airfield infrastructure, major military depots, training and concentration centres for mercenaries have been destroyed. The work on them continues," the Defence Ministry stressed.

So, according to the Ministry of Defence, all main tasks of Russian Armed Forces in the Kyiv and Chernihiv directions have been completed.

At the moment, the purpose of the regrouping of the Russian army is to intensify actions in priority areas — this is primarily the completion of the operation for the complete liberation of the Donbas.

During the day, 69 military facilities of Ukraine were hit by tactical and unmanned aircraft, including three command posts, two multiple rocket launchers, eight ammunition depots and rocket and artillery weapons, and 52 strong points and areas of concentration of military equipment. In total, 124 aircraft and 77 helicopters, 214 anti-aircraft missile systems, 323 unmanned aerial vehicles, 1,767 tanks and other armored combat vehicles, 186 multiple rocket launchers, 741 field artillery guns and mortars, as well as 1,657 units of special military vehicles have been destroyed since the beginning of the special military operation.

Due to the special operation of Russia, the work with strains of pathogens of particularly dangerous infections in Ukraine has stopped

The Russian Defence Ministry also reported on what was possible to find out during the study of documents on secret military biological activities of the United States in Ukraine. For example, specific officials who participated in the creation of components of biological weapons have been identified. Their names are not disclosed, it is only said that these are the heads of departments and employees of the US Department of Defense, as well as its main contractor companies, which are directly related to the son of the current US President Hunter Biden.

The Ministry of Defence notes that due to Russia's special operation, the work with strains of pathogens of particularly dangerous infections that were ordered by the Pentagon has stopped.

“The documents testifying to the plans of the Kyiv regime to use unmanned aerial vehicles capable of carrying and spraying deadly substances are of particular interest. The revealed facts prove that the Kyiv regime seriously considered the possibility of using biological weapons against the population of the Donbas and the Russian Federation," the Defence Ministry noted and promised to tell in detail about this in the near future at a special briefing.


Realnoe Vremya continues to follow the events. Read all important information in a special story of the online newspaper.

Daria Pinegina

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