Kazanorgsintez reports a growth of welfare benefits and hundreds of new apartments for workers

The company discussed the implementation of the collective agreement for 2018

A large conference of the staff has been held at Kazanorgsintez. The previous year was marked by an increase in wages and social benefits for the company. Special attention was paid to the improvement of working conditions of workers and their training. Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Aleksey Savelchev evaluated the work of the enterprise and its workers' trade union. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

5 billion – for salaries

A conference of the trade union organization of the employees was held at Kazanorgsintez PJSC. KOS's trade union is one of the largest in Tatarstan. It includes 12,098 people both current employees of the enterprise, as well as veterans, and also employees of the organizations closely cooperating with Kazanorgsintez. It is not surprising that at the same meeting of the labour collective there came high-ranking guests — Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Aleksey Saveliev, Aide to Tatarstan President Rinat Sabirov, Deputy Chairman of the Federation of Trade Unions of Tatarstan Marat Gafarov and Chairman of Tatreskom of Roskhimprofsoyuz Aleksey Ilyin. The company's management was represented by Chairman of the Board of Directors of Kazanorgsintez PJSC Ruslan Shigabutdinov and chief engineer Rafael Safarov.

The average salary at Kazanorgsintez in 2018 increased by 5,3%, compared with 2017

The latter in his report, briefly talking about the technical changes in the enterprise, said especially pleasant to factory workers news. The average monthly salary at Kazanorgsintez in 2018 increased by 5,3% compared to 2017. At the same time, the average number of employees has not changed.

''More than 5 billion rubles were spent on wages of employees. In addition, the company transferred 1,7 billion rubles of mandatory insurance premiums. Orgsintez has no arrears of payment of wages,'' said Rafael Safarov.

In 2018, 683 people were employed, 746 employees were dismissed for various reasons. Most of the dismissed are pensioners who have retired.

Increased costs of social assistance

The cost of social assistance to employees in 2018 amounted to 723,4 million rubles. These funds were directed to the organization of the working watch, food, maintenance of social facilities and other, including direct social payments. Let us remind, earlier the company reported growth of 12,4%. The social package for one employee per month amounted to 5,290 rubles.

Traditionally, the company pays special attention to the creation of healthy and safe working conditions

Kazanorgsintez continued to pay increased attention to training and professional development of employees. In 2018, about 5,000 employees passed various types of educational programmes. Out of these, about 400 factory workers have mastered the second profession and have been retrained.

Traditionally, the company pays special attention to the creation of healthy and safe working conditions. In order to improve working conditions in accordance with the agreement on labour protection, the administration and the trade union carried out 57 measures in 2018. The improvement of working conditions affected more than one and a half thousand workers.

Last year, 572 employees received keys to new apartments

Ilshat Mingazov, the chairman of the primary trade union organization of Kazanorgsintez, told about the social life of the enterprise.

Social mortgage is available for employees of the company. For the period from 2014 to 2018, 1,654 families of factory workers concluded agreements with Goszhilfond. Last year, 572 employees received the keys to the apartments. The total housing area, allocated for the last 4 years, is nearly 134,000 sq. m. During this time, the company allocated nearly 1,1 billion rubles for the programme of social mortgage, of which more than 200 million rubles — in 2018.

Ilshat Mingazov noted that in 2018 for the birth of a child alone payments were made for a total of 20 million rubles

The collective agreement, which was previously recognized as the best in the country, involves a lot of payments to employees in various life situations. Ilshat Mingazov noted that in 2018 for the birth of a child alone payments were made for a total of 20 million rubles. In families of factory workers more than 400 children were born.

Among other social benefits, children of employees are provided with vouchers to the recreation centre Solnechny. Last year, 769 children rested there. The recreation camp Shelanga was visited by more than 3,300 people, and 544 employees improved their health in Observatory. During the year, employees of Kazanorgsintez can restore health in the sanatorium of the enterprise. Last year, more than 700 people underwent preventive treatment, out of whom more than 560 were employees of the enterprise and pensioners, who are registered with the trade union organization of pensioners of Kazanorgsintez. Veterans receive the vouchers to the sanatorium free of charge.

''Traditions to support the workforce are preserved''

Appreciation for the work of the trade union and social unit at Kazanorgsintez was given by the Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the Republic of Tatarstan Aleksey Savelchev.

''The industry in Tatarstan occupies half of our regional product. Out of this half, 60 percent falls on the petrochemical complex, the representative of which is Kazanorgsintez. If you compare the whole range of petrochemical sphere, it turns out that every fifth employee works at Kazanorgsintez,'' said Aleksey Savelchev.

Aleksey Savelchev congratulated the workers with high performance

He congratulated the factory workers on high performance, adding that if the average salary in Tatarstan is about 40,000 rubles, then in the petrochemical industry it is 30 per cent more. The highest level of wages among industrial enterprises is at Kazanorgsintez. ''This is an indication that the traditions that have been for social assistance, support of the staff have been preserved,'' said Aleksey Savelchev.

''The results are serious, worthy of coordinated work of the whole team,'' said Ruslan Shigabutdinov

In turn, the assistant to the president of Tatarstan Rinat Sabirov noted that the results of the enterprise for 2018 are bright, worthy of the anniversary year. Closing the conference, Ruslan Shigabutdinov said that the year of working life passed quickly, and addressed the new employees of the enterprise:

''The team hired new employees, and I hope that the industrial aura, experience and potential will quickly allow to join the workforce, apply the charge and force for the benefit of the plant. I do not quite agree that the staff of Kazanorgsintez is every fifth petrochemistry worker. It is the every first in the country. Today we have summed up the preliminary results of the past year. The results are serious, worthy of coordinated work of the whole team. It was nice to hear that the executive directorate and the trade union organization have fulfilled all their obligations under the collective agreement,'' said Ruslan Shigabutdinov.

By Ekaterina Gumarova. Photo: Vladimir Tunik

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