Day of Tatar cuisine held in Baku

At the end of February, Azerbaijanian gourmets had a chance to taste traditional Tatar dishes at the event timed to Day of Tatar Cuisine. The festivity, which was established in 2006, is celebrated in Russia and abroad on the birthday of the famous Tatar chef and popularizer of the national cuisine, Yunus Akhmetzyanov.

The evening of Tatar cuisine has been organised by Tatarstan Public Association and Salam Tatarstan International Centre in the capital of Azerbaijan on 28 February, reports AzerNews adding that ''Tatar cuisine is absolutely mouthwatering delicious''. Guests could taste traditional Tatar food, such as home noodles soup tokmach and national pastries, and enjoy Tatar songs performed by ensemble Ak kalfak and accordionist Ismail Safin. Head of Turkish restaurant Buyukfirat Zalina Agabayova, representative of Azerbaijan Union of Cossacks Sergey Samuylov, representatives of the Matryoshka Association and others were among the guests of honour of the event.

The celebration also included a cooking contest. Tatars, Azerbaijanis, Russians and Lezgins tried to cook national Tatar dishes, including home noodle soup tokmach, delicious desserts chak-chak and kosh tele, meat pies ochpochmak, peremyach and belish. The jury consisted of Chairman of the Tatarstan Public Association Abas Minashev, head of Lukoil-Azerbaijan CJSC Eduard Mukhametov, President of the Dede Gorgud Foundation Eldar Ismailov and science fiction writer, member of the Writers' Union and the Journalists Union of Azerbaijan Aleksander Khakimov. The winner, Alsu Yusupova, prepared chak-chak and homemade noodles. Tadjiba Babayeva took the second place with sweet pilaf and cake with curd. She was followed by Razza Alieva with peremyachi (meat pies).

Guests could taste delicious Tatar pastries, tokmach and other national dishes. Photo:

Established in 2006, Day of Tatar Cuisine is celebrated annually on the birthday of master of Tatar cooking and author of numerous cookbooks Yunus Akhmetzyanov. The celebration is held in many Russian and foreign cities on 28 February and includes traditional feasts and cooking workshops. According to Deputy of Tatarstan Public Association and head of Salam Tatarstan project Emin Ramazanov, the festivity is the way to preserve and transfer traditions to new generations, as it encourages interest among young people. Traditional dishes that have been developed over thousands of years continue to be part of a proud and abundant cultural heritage.

Such events strengthen the friendship among the peoples living in Azerbaijan and help preserve their traditions, emphasised Azerbaijan Culinary Centre's chief culinary specialist Tunzala Mammadova.

By Anna Litvina

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