Dog registration to generate up to 32 million rubles for veterinarians in Tatarstan
In the first 20 days of January, more animals were registered in the city than the average for the year

About 1,500 dogs have been chipped and registered by Tatarstan residents in the first three weeks of January in compliance with the requirement for mandatory registration of pets. Realnoe Vremya calculated how much state veterinary clinics have earned and will earn on the procedure — only they can enter data into the register. The publication also found out how private zoocentres will help speed up the process, their service prices, and what consequences pet owners may face for refusing to register. Read the details in the material of Realnoe Vremya.
To avoid making two trips
Dog microchipping under the new rules will cost Kazan residents 288 rubles at a state veterinary clinic. Along with chipping, as the veterinary clinic of the Vakhitovsky and Privolzhsky districts of Kazan explained to Realnoe Vremya, the state registration of the animal is carried out — data about it is entered into the Federal GIS VetIS.
The cost of the service includes the price of the chip (188 rubles) and its marking (100 rubles), with no additional fees, the clinic emphasised. The chip number, information about the dog and its owner are entered into VetIS FGIS for free, while a note about registration is made in the dog's passport.

When asked if it was possible to install the chip in a private clinic, the publication was answered in the affirmative, but warned:
“Private clinics have the right to install chips and enter information about it into the international database for transporting animals abroad, but only state clinics carry out the registration procedure for dogs. Only state clinics have access to VetIS FGIS. Therefore, the owner of the animal who installed the chip in a private clinic will need to contact a state clinic, where the information from the chip will be read and entered into the state information system. They will not have to pay for this in the state clinic.”
No fine yet, but there is already an incentive
According to the data released by Almaz Khisamutdinov, the head of the Main Veterinary Department of the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan, at the end of December 2024, the total number of dogs in Tatarstan now exceeds 111,000. This is approximate data. For example, in 2023, 108,000 dogs were vaccinated against rabies, although the Centre for Nutrition and Animal Welfare, which conducted the All-Russian Pet Census in the form of a survey, indicated that the inhabitants of the Republic of Tatarstan had 125,000 dogs.
Voluntary registration of dogs in Tatarstan began in 2017, and over 8 years, in total, owners have registered only 14,100 animals — less than 12% of the total number. At the same time, the “peak” of voluntary registration occurred in 2019, after the release of federal Law No. 498 “On Responsible Treatment of Animals”. At that time, almost 4,700 dogs were registered. However, the enthusiasm waned dramatically, and in 2024, only 34 dogs were registered.
In the 20 days since the introduction of mandatory registration this year, dog owners have registered more pets than they voluntarily registered in an average year. It seems that they were forced to step up by the real threat of a fine: amendments to the Administrative Code of the Republic of Tatarstan have been prepared, and if they are accepted, the forgetful owners who did not register the animals will pay from 2,000 to 4,000 rubles, and if they do not bother to register after that, another 5,000.
32 million rubles in revenue
Realnoe Vremya estimated the potential total receipts to the cash registers of the state veterinary clinics of Tatarstan from the mandatory registration of dogs if they are chipped exclusively there — almost 32 million rubles. After deducting the cost of the chip, veterinarians will earn 11.1 million.
According to the SPARK-Interfax service, the turnover dynamics for all cash registers of the Kazan State Medical Institution Gosvetobedenie, which includes these clinics, starting in mid-2024, is 1-2 million rubles per month with an average check of 900-1000 rubles. Against this background, the amount of potential revenue from registration looks quite significant.
The scale of the “earnings” of state veterinary clinics can be estimated by comparing, for example, their potential revenue with the revenue of Vetstar PLC, co-owned by leading doctors of the Kazan veterinary clinic Solnyshko Vadim Ivanov and Renat Usmanov. According to the SPARK-Interfax service, in 2023 the company's revenue amounted to 1.12 million, and its net profit was 356,000 rubles.
However, earlier registration in state clinics cost not 100, but 1,300 rubles, and if you add to this the visits of teams to residential areas for mobile dog chipping, the costs increase significantly. Therefore, a source in the industry believes that veterinarians are more likely to lose on this service than earn.
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