228 billion rubles allocated to implement national projects in Tatarstan over 5 years
In 2025, it will take almost 60 billion to implement the new ones

More than 26,000 facilities have been built and repaired in Tatarstan in six years.
In 2024, Tatarstan completed the implementation of 13 national projects, which included 50 regional ones. About 228 billion rubles have been allocated for their implementation since 2019. In particular, in 2024, this amount amounted to 47 billion. This was announced at a briefing in the Cabinet of Ministers of Tatarstan by Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Economy of Tatarstan Midkhat Shagiakhmetov on 15 January.
According to him, thanks to this financing, about 1,790 socially significant facilities have been built and repaired. So, in the field of healthcare, about 383 facilities were built and reconstructed during the specified period: hospitals, polyclinics, paramedic and obstetric centres, etc. As part of the Demography national project, a system of long-term care for citizens has been introduced in the republic, thanks to which more than 18,000 people receive social services at home every year.

Besides, 87 educational institutions have been built and repaired in Tatarstan, and 60 kindergartens have been commissioned. “This made it possible to ensure 100% coverage of pre-school education for children from one and a half to three years old," stated Midkhat Shagiakhmetov. The share of Tatarstan citizens who regularly practice physical education increased from 47% in 2019 to 67.5% by January 1, 2025. The number of citizens attending cultural events has also increased. In 2019, their number exceeded 28,000. By the results of 2024, it has increased fourfold.
According to the minister, 353 parks and squares have been improved in the republic, 739 highways and 11 driveways have been put in order. Two thousand residents were relocated from dilapidated housing.
In total, more than 26,000 facilities have been built and repaired in Tatarstan over the past six years as part of federal and republican programme activities, including more than 2,100 educational facilities, 761 healthcare facilities, 311 cultural facilities, 268 youth policy facilities, 823 sports facilities, parks and squares.

“A lot of work is being done to tidy up and modernise the yards. The programme has already affected almost 1.5 million Tatarstan residents and more than 9,000 apartment buildings," the speaker emphasised.
316.2 billion rubles to support Tatarstan's SMEs
Small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) in Tatarstan have received support in the amount of 316.2 billion rubles since 2019. More than 179,000 support measures were provided to entrepreneurs, Midkhat Shagiakhmetov said. According to him, 283.3 billion rubles have been received from the federal budget: 233.3 billion for for investment and operational purposes and 50 billion for restructuring.
Republican support amounted to 32.9 billion rubles:
- 8.7 billion — Tatarstan Entrepreneurship Support Fund;
- 19.5 billion — Guarantee Fund of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- 3.2 billion — Regional Leasing Company of the Republic of Tatarstan;
- 1 billion — construction of industrial park infrastructure.
Federal and regional support measures have been combined by the digital platform MSP.RF. In addition, the infrastructure of the industrial parks Khimgrad, Saba and Tyulyachi has been created as part of the national project. This helped entrepreneurs gain access to production facilities and premises.
Shagiakhmetov stressed that the number of SMEs in the republic increased to 178,300 by the end of 2024. The growth in the number of employees in this field amounted to more than 168,000 people, and their total number exceeded 848,000. In addition, there are more than 357,000 self-employed people in Tatarstan. Their total income has reached almost 200 billion rubles, and the amount of taxes paid to the budget exceeds 8 billion rubles.
Starting from 2025, a separate national project to support small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Russia is not planned. Nevertheless, support measures for entrepreneurs will be maintained, the minister assured.
“We mostly focus on small technology companies, on those sectors of our economy that are related to the manufacturing business, increasing labour productivity, and implementing new technologies," the speaker emphasised.
In 2025, 59.6 billion rubles will be allocated for the implementation of national projects.
From 2025, 19 new national projects have been launched in Russia. It is planned to implement 12 of them in Tatarstan. Financing in the amount of 160 billion rubles for three years is provided to achieve the goals they set, the minister said.
According to him, 59.6 billion rubles are planned to be allocated for the implementation of national projects in 2025, including about 24.6 billion rubles from the federal budget. The allocated funds will be used to build and overhaul 375 facilities in the areas such as healthcare, infrastructure and landscaping, education and youth policy, modernisation of employment centres, roads, culture, demography, and ecology. The effectiveness of the implementation of national projects will be assessed not only by achieving targets, but also based on feedback from the public.
“To date, implementation agreements have been signed with our federal colleagues for all national projects, in which target values for 88 indicators and 119 results have been decomposed for our republic” Shagiakhmetov stressed.
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