Emotions ten out of ten: refiners take part in Avtodozor quest game

Encrypted tasks were solved by college students together with the employees of TAIF-NK

Emotions ten out of ten: refiners take part in Avtodozor quest game
Photo: предоставлено протокольным отделом АО «ТАИФ-НК»

Not just teams, but Riders of Asphalt, Marvel Team, Kyzlar and Cats, Elusive Avengers — this is how employees of one of Nizhnekamsk's oil refineries approached the Avtodozor quest game with creativity and a sense of humor. Together with students of the College of Petrochemistry and Oil Refining named after N.V. Lemaev, they went on an exciting adventure through the evening city. The participants had to solve a riddle in a short time and be the first to arrive at the station.

“This is not just a speed ride”

For TAIF-NK employees, this is the second Avtodozor. The first one was held with great success last year. The game, according to leader of the asset Alena Mukharnikova, did not leave anyone indifferent.

“Everyone really liked this format. Many were waiting and wondering when the next Avtodozor would take place. I would like to note that the number of participants has increased significantly this year. We hope that everyone will be very impressed," she said.

For TAIF-NK employees, this is the second Avtodozor. The first one was held with great success last year. предоставлено протокольным отделом АО «ТАИФ-НК»

In Nizhnekamsk, the Kover Centre for Youth Initiatives is the organiser of the city's Avtodozors. Activist Diana Akhunova emphasises that every year the game gains more and more scale. Regardless of age, participants immerse themselves in the world of riddles and encrypted codes.

“This is not just a speed ride — the event expands your horizons well. During the game, participants learn new information about their favourite city. It is necessary not just to get to the station quickly, but to understand the meaning of the riddle. You need to be attentive and vigilant. Everyone thinks it's a trifle. And in vain, Avtodor is no worse than other quizzes," Diana said confidently.

“We came to have fun, chat, get some adrenaline”

According to the rules of the game, the teams had to go through 8 stations, each of which had its own orientation and task. In the first task, it was necessary to find the “beginning of all beginnings”. So many options were offered by inquisitive minds: maternity hospital, registry office, holy spring and even Vodokanal. In fact, everything turned out to be much simpler: the “beginning of all beginnings” was Start shopping centre.

They came to have fun, chat, get adrenaline, said Kirill Borisov, a student at College of Petrochemistry and Petroleum Refining. предоставлено протокольным отделом АО «ТАИФ-НК»

“We have come to have fun, chat, get adrenaline," says Kirill Borisov, a third-year student of control and measurement of automation at the College of Petrochemistry and Petroleum Refining. “Our expectations are met. Everything is great. We lost a lot of time on the first task. After all, we gathered our wits and guessed the encrypted word.

Economist Alsu Galimullina participates in Avtodor for the second time. According to her, the quiz game helps to unite the team, create a positive atmosphere.

“This time we have everything so smoothly, everything goes so fast. We solve riddles without much difficulty. Unexpectedly, they found out where the monument to Lenin was erected, which no one knew about. Thanks to Google," she laughs.

The fight for the prizes was intense to the last. предоставлено протокольным отделом АО «ТАИФ-НК»

The participants were also looking for a place where they could get adrenaline, where it was always cold regardless of the time of year and other locations. The fight for the prizes was intense to the last. Three winning teams were determined through intense competition. The first place was won by Riders of Asphalt, the second — Marvel Team, the third — Bazhaylar.

“It was interesting to try our hand. There were some minor inconsistencies during the game, but we figured it out and got our bearings. Our city is small, there are not many options. The most difficult task was to find a monument to Lenin. Then everything went easier," said Ayrat Abdullin, a process unit operator of the Gasoline Plant.

First place was taken by Riders of Asphalt, the second — by Marvel Team, the third — by Bazhailar. предоставлено протокольным отделом АО «ТАИФ-НК»

His colleague Fanis Nazmiev, a process pump machinist of the Refinery, agrees with him.

“Emotions are ten out of ten. I would advise everyone to complete this quest and get a positive charge for a long time," he concluded.

The warm and friendly meetings of the team do not end there. Already on Tuesday, October 1, the company's employees, along with future refiners, gather together at the intellectual game Quiz-please.

Lilia Yegorova

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