Marat Galeev: ‘There are issues that require patience, perseverance and drastic measures’

The shortage of personnel in the industrial sector has been discussed at Kazancompressormash plant

Marat Galeev: ‘There are issues that require patience, perseverance and drastic measures’
Photo: Мария Зверева

The shortage of personnel in the industrial sector belongs to the category of issues that currently require drastic measures, Deputy of the State Council of Tatarstan Marat Galeev said during a press tour at Kazancompressormash JSC. Currently, Tatarstan is lacking 12,000 production workers, first deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the republic Rodion Karpov supported the topic. At the same time, salaries of employees of industrial enterprises in the country grow annually by more than 10%, according to official data. At the moment, their average level is 80,000 rubles. Read more about the problems of the industrial sector of the republic in the report of Realnoe Vremya.

“The country survived thanks to the old cadres for a couple of decades”

The shortage of personnel in the industrial sector of Tatarstan has reached 12,000 people, First Deputy Minister of Industry and Trade of the republic Rodion Karpov said during a press tour to the territory of Kazancompressormash plant. In the next seven years, this figure, according to him, is going to reach 60,000 people.

“When a person graduates, gets an education, they should confirm it. They should go to the factory and work for at least 1-2 years. Most likely, then they will stay here. They will connect their life with the enterprise, because their will see the result of their work, and this is a great feeling," Karpov is convinced.

The personnel shortage, according to Marat Galeev, a member of the Tatarstan State Council Committee on Economy, Investment and Entrepreneurship, is a global problem of Russian industrialists and it will not be possible to solve it in a short time.

“The personnel issue has really escalated now. Now there are operational tasks that can be quickly solved in a number of areas. There are some issues that require patience and perseverance, and more drastic measures are needed to solve them," Galeev stressed.

Problem of personnel shortage, according to Marat Galeev, a member of the Committee of the State Council of Tatarstan, is global and it will not be possible to solve it in a short time. Мария Зверева /

The speaker also outlined the reason for such problems: after the collapse of the USSR, the government procurement on which the industry was based almost ran out, but the state did not provide the necessary assistance to enterprises:

“We survived thanks to the old cadres," the parliamentarian noted. “How the position of Tatarstan differed? They tried to preserve all high-tech industries, which in principle succeeded. We supported enterprises at the expense of the republic.”

Marat Galeev also noted that the shortage of specialists can be partially overcome with the help of new technologies, but not everyone will be able to work with them. A certain talent is required here. As a result, Tatarstan has retained its enterprises thanks to the support of experienced personnel. In order to attract young people, it was necessary to raise the prestige of working professions and increase salaries — this was done after the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions, the speaker stressed.

Salaries are rising in the industry

Salaries in the industrial sector are growing faster than in other areas — by about 20% annually, said Rodion Karpov, the first deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan. At the moment, the average earnings of production workers is 80,000 rubles per month.

“Salaries have increased quite significantly in the industrial sector," said the deputy minister. “The profession of labour in production is now becoming prestigious, and many young people want to connect their lives with production.”

The leaders in salary growth in the industry are oil refiners, machine builders and employees of defence industry enterprises.

Salaries in the industrial sector grow more annually than in other areas — by about 20%," said Rodion Karpov, the first deputy head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Tatarstan (right). Мария Зверева /

For example, Kazancompressormash has an average salary of 108,000 rubles. However, the company still needs personnel, said Ilnur Sagdiyev, the director of the plant. The shortage of employees is about 10%, which corresponds to more than 200 vacancies. There is most demand for:

  • production workers;
  • technical staff;
  • machine operators;
  • maintenance fitters.

According to Sagdiev, over the past 12 years, the owner of the enterprise, GSM Group, has invested more than 6 billion rubles in the modernisation of production. Despite the improved working conditions, the plant is still experiencing difficulties in attracting qualified specialists.

The building for Zelenodolsk is ready for 80%

Russia's first complex of large-capacity LNG compressor units in Zelenodolsk is 80% ready, Sagdiev said. It is scheduled to open next year.

“Now the completion stage is underway. A cable route has been laid, masts have been installed, and a cable is to be laid soon. At the moment, the transformer substation itself is being supplied," he added.

According to Sagdiev, the frame of the building of the future plant is already ready, the cladding stage is underway. Equipment deliveries are to be completed by the end of the year, and in November the building heating loop is to be erected.

According to Sagdiev, the frame of the building of the future plant is already ready, the cladding stage is underway. Мария Зверева /

This May, it became known that a complex for the production of LNG aggregates is to appear in Tatarstan, the construction cost of which is 10 billion rubles.

The project has no analogues in Russia and is a significant contribution to the technological independence of the country. In Zelenodolsk, 17 structures of the future complex are to be built on an area of 5.5 hectares. At the initial stage, it is planned to create more than 50 jobs. The customer of the project is Kazancompressormash JSC. The commissioning of the facility is scheduled for the end of this year.

Elizaveta Punsheva

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