‘A direct link between magnetic storms and human health has not been proven’
Experts on the impact of magnetic storms on human health

Magnetic storms have been recorded on Earth from time to time in the last few months, and on Monday they intensified and reached level G3. This natural phenomenon often affects people’s lives — there are failures in satellites and radio communications, and sometimes physical health deteriorates. Read about why magnetic storms occur and how they affect people in a report of Realnoe Vremya.
“The amount of research done is not enough”
Magnetic storms do not last very long — only 2-3 days, Professor of the Department of Meteorology, Climatology and Air of the Institute of Environment and Nature of Kazan Federal University (KFU) Yuri Perevedentsev told Realnoe Vremya.
“Magnetic storms occur due to solar flares. These corpuscular flows reach our Earth within a couple of days and invade our magnetic field, disturb it and thus cause the so-called magnetic storm,” the professor explained the nature of the phenomenon.

He stressed that this natural phenomenon contributes to failures in the operation of equipment and electronics and can also cause Internet disconnection. The fact is that magnetic storms can form electric currents in metal objects. The larger they are, for example, a power line, the more significant the currents.
“It is impossible to deny the connection between storms and electronics. At the same time, there is an opinion that magnetic storms affect human well-being. This idea cannot be completely rejected, but the theory has not yet been scientifically proven, the research done is not enough. There is no unambiguous opinion on this matter, so for us it is still a mystery,” Perevedentsev emphasized.
“Quite a lot of patients complain about feeling worse due to the weather”
GP from Kazan Dina Yefimova also told Realnoe Vremya that the fact that magnetic storms affect people’s health has not been proven. According to her, there are many studies on this subject, but this is not enough for the scientific community to recognise the theory as correct.
“At the same time, many patients say that their health worsens due to the weather. Often, these patients have diseases of the blood system. <...> They usually come with the main complaints: pressure surges, joint pain, etc. But as an additional symptom, they indicate a reaction to weather changes. In my experience, quite a lot of people consider themselves weather-dependent,” she highlighted.
Yefimova expressed the opinion that such statistics are not related to the indisputable influence of magnetic storms on people’s well-being but on the health of an individual:
“There are studies that prove that most strokes, heart attacks and other various cardiovascular problems occur precisely at the time of magnetic activity. Such data exists, yes. But can they be taken at one hundred percent? It is still debatable.”
The relationship between health and magnetic storms is explained by the fact that blood vessels get narrower and the blood in the body gets thicker, the doctor highlighted. Therefore, first of all, people with cardiovascular diseases are susceptible to the influence of magnetic storms: with arterial hypertension, hypotension, etc.
“Such people are called weather-dependent. Usually they themselves say that they feel worse during periods of magnetic activity,” the speaker noted. “However, this may be due to a large number of factors.”
“It is worth undergoing a thorough examination”
Yefimova attributed the symptoms that are recorded in weather-sensitive people during storms to increased heart rate, insomnia, headaches, including migraines, which no analgesic helps. Patients also note pressure surges and the inability to correct it.
Speaking about how to improve a person’s condition during a storm, the doctor did not provide any advice to help oneself. However, she emphasised that it is necessary to consult a specialist:
“In any case, we recommend that any person undergo an annual examination and medical examination. <...> But if there is a tendency towards weather dependence, we recommend undergoing a more thorough examination, since this may be associated with chronic diseases.”

At the same time, there is no universal recipe for improving well-being during magnetic storms. According to Yefimova, treatment will depend on the symptoms and other individual characteristics.
“In case of weather dependence, it is necessary to monitor your health and adjust the dosage of medications depending on your needs. Accordingly, all this should be discussed with your doctor,” the speaker singled out.
Record-high solar flare
In May, during three days, the Sun threw four exceptionally large clouds of plasma towards the Earth, which will merge into a single large object. At its peak, the magnetic storm level was no less than G4.33.
Later, the Solar Astronomy Laboratory reported that it had registered a new particularly large solar flare of class X3.9. It was the fourth strongest in the last 25 years.

Magnetic storms were also recorded this month: on 3-4 August and 9-11 August, and on the 12th they intensified and reached level G3. They lasted four days in total.
It should be noted that the degree of disturbance of the Earth’s magnetic field is measured by scientists on a scale of five levels where G1 is the weakest disturbance and G5 is the most powerful magnetic storm. If the level drops below G2, the disturbance of the magnetic field does not cause any serious consequences.
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