Costs on plants to total 79 billion rubles for Tatarstan

Costs on plants to total 79 billion rubles for Tatarstan
Photo: Илья Репин

The production of plants in Tatarstan increased by over 3 billion rubles in the last year. If agriculturists’ costs totalled 76.1 billion last year, to save the supply, according to preliminary calculations, 79 billion rubles are needed. Vice Premier and Minister of Agriculture and Food of Tatarstan Marat Zyabbarov reported on it on 6 May. 38.8 billion rubles from this amount will be allocated for spring field works including:

  • Fertilisers — 12.5 billion rubles;
  • Seeds — 7,4 billion rubles;
  • Insecticides — 5,8 billion rubles;
  • Spare parts — 4,9 billion rubles;
  • Other costs — 8,2 billion rubles (salary — 4,6, amortisation — 3,2, costs on insurance — 0,5 billion rubles).
The production of plants in Tatarstan increased by over 3 billion rubles in the last year. Safina Adeliya / Сафина Аделия /

37.3 billion rubles were allocated for spring field works last year. According to the Tatarstan Ministry of Agriculture and Food, the arable area will be 2.7 million hectares in 2024, which is at last year’s level, including 1.8 million hectares of winter arable land:

Winter grains 935,000 ha:

390,000 ha — winter wheat;

372,000 ha — barley;

63,500 ha — pea;

26,300 ha — buckwheat;

industrial 502,000 ha, the rape and sunflower area increase by 55,000 ha (thanks to grains):

55,000 ha — sugar beet;

168,000 ha — rape;

213,000 ha — sunflower;

4,600 ha — potato;

2,000 ha — vegetables;

forage (households and farms) – 694,000 ha

Vasilya Shirshova

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