‘We will search for new partners among OIC members’: Minnikhanov’s speech at Russian Venture Forum

‘We will search for new partners among OIC members’: Minnikhanov’s speech at Russian Venture Forum
Photo: Максим Платонов

The 18th Russian Venture Forum where venture projects are presented opened in Kazan. Tatarstan’s leader talked about their uniqueness when delivering a speech at the plenary session of the forum Technological Entrepreneurship: Space of High Competencies, the press service of the Tatarstan rais wrote.

The forum opened at Kazan Expo exhibition centre on 25 April where around 4,000 participants gathered. More than 200 speakers, around 100 representatives of investment funds and over 50 start-up projects are participating in the business programme. Vice Director General of TASS news agency Andrey Sokolov is the moderator of the plenary session. Minister of Science and Higher Education of Russia Valery Falkov, Russian State Duma deputy Ksenia Goryazheva, Director General of Russian Venture Company Anatoly Braverman, Managing Director of Moscow Exchange Vladimir Krekoten and others are among the speakers.

“We see what progress we have made today even through our key venture business partners are from Europe and America. But it turns out we can do it all ourselves. We will search for new partners among OIC countries we have good relations with. We will also be working with BRICS members. I am sure that we will not be lost and find ways for cooperation,” Minnikhanov claimed.

He also reminded the audience of how the venture forum started and how it eventually turned into an annual event held in Kazan.

“You know, I have always thought that universities are not involved in this process enough. Firstly, they didn’t have such a task, secondly, they didn’t have enough money. Today the Russian Ministry of Science and Higher Education, the federal government should be thanked, see how much is being done,” the rais shared.

The Tatarstan rais noted that nowadays money was needed to launch the projects presented at the forum. In his opinion, this is especially important today when the country has limited access to technologies. Maxim Platonov / realnoevremya.ru. Максим Платонов / realnoevremya.ru

Talking about the creation of innovative infrastructure, the Tatarstan rais reminded the audience that two special economic zones, five priority socio-economic development areas, more than 100 technological and industrial parks, funds encouraging entrepreneurship and innovative activity were created in Tatarstan for this purpose.

Renata Valeyeva

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