Share of children with obesity in Tatarstan turns out above Russia’s indicators

Share of children with obesity in Tatarstan turns out above Russia’s indicators
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

The share of children with obesity under 17 years in Tatarstan in 2023 was 2,166,7 cases per 100,000 of the population in the same age group. Realnoe Vremya found this out from data of the Russian Ministry of Health Care. At the same time, the republic’s figures turned out to be above Russia’s indicators. The share of children with obesity across the country in general is 1,965 cases per 100,000 people.

The Russian Ministry of Health Care didn’t provide average data in the Volga Federal District. However, only four Volga regions have their figures below Russia’s level: Samara Oblast (1,962 per 100k), Mordovia (1,609,5), Bashkortostan (1,520) and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast (1,432).

The biggest number of cases of obesity among children from 0 to 17 years in the Volga Federal District was registered in Orenburg Oblast — 5,146,1 cases per 100,000 people in the same age group. It is followed by Kirov region (3,655,5) and Saratov region (3,118,5). The top 5 also includes Udmurtia (3,051,5) and Perm region (2,365,4).

Artyom Gafarov

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BashkortostanKirov OblastUdmurtiaTatarstan