Children’s holidays in summer of 2024 in Tatarstan: what events Movement of the First to hold

Young residents of Tatarstan will have the opportunity to participate in thematic shifts, conduct a school camp on their own and go abroad

Children’s holidays in summer of 2024 in Tatarstan: what events Movement of the First to hold
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

This summer, the Movement of the First holds nine regional thematic shifts for Tatarstan schoolchildren and the Camp of Our Yard programme in the regions of the republic. In addition, children will have the opportunity to rest in municipal camps, and perhaps, even go on an exchange trip to Turkey. Sofia Mustafina, the first deputy minister of youth affairs in the republic, and Timur Suleymanov, the assistant to the rais of Tatarstan, head of the Movement of the First in the region, told at a briefing about what the young residents of the republic will do during the holidays.

Coverage of health promotion campaign will exceed 220 thousand children

We started the briefing by summarising the results of the previous year. According to Sofia Mustafina, during 2023, more than 200 thousand young Tatarstan citizens rested as part of the health promotion campaign. 41,893 children received free vouchers, and 922 schoolchildren came from the Donetsk and Lugansk People's Republics. Systematic work with these children continues, the deputy minister of youth affairs noted. In Tatarstan, the support of children continue will be continued, which is not surprising: many of those who came in 2022 became students of Kazan universities.

According to Sofia Mustafina, it is planned to cover 220,687 schoolchildren in the republic as part of the 2024 health promotion campaign. Almost half of them, 100,618 children, will be recuperating in stationary camps. Also, young Tatarstan residents will go to the Black Sea coasts, sanatorium-resort recreation, tent camps, day camps and labour and recreation camps.

According to Sofia Mustafina, it is planned to cover 220,687 schoolchildren in the republic as part of the 2024 health promotion campaign. Динар Фатыхов /

Organising a digital event, creating a tourist trail

One of the options for children's leisure in Tatarstan this summer will be the republican shifts of the Movement of the First. In total, the organisation is going to hold nine shifts with unique programmes, Timur Suleymanov said. Two of them will be free of charge: the costs were borne by the partners. This is the Time of the First. Innovators and The Time of the First. Patriotism and Historical Memory. 90 children will have the opportunity to take part in both.

The shift The Time of the First. Innovators is held from June 7 to 20 at the Agricultural College in Bogatye Saby. The topics will be science and technology, as well as education and knowledge. In turn, The Time of the First. Patriotism and Historical Memory will be held at the Patriot tent camp in Kamsky Polyany. Participants will get acquainted with the history of their native land and its cultural and historical traditions.

Participation in the remaining seven shifts involves a parental fee, which varies from 12 to 20 thousand rubles. The summer season will be opened by the Time of the First. The Team. of Leaders. The shift is from June 1 to June 18 at the Vostok camp. 165 young Kazan citizens are waiting for this program, who will join the movement's team and develop it in their schools.

According to Timur Suleymanov, this summer the Movement of the First holds nine shifts with unique programmes. Динар Фатыхов /

It is expected that the first shift in the republic in the digital disciplines Time of the First. Sports will cause a stir. . 100 people will have the opportunity to take part in it.

“We tried it for the first time in autumn and organised the digital league of the Movement of the First. Our hypothesis that children who had not previously participated in other projects of the Movement of the First would come here was justified. There were many who came just to play and have a great time, not because they know the movement and trust it. This is a great joy for us, because it is an opportunity to reach more children," explained the head of the Movement of the First in Tatarstan.

Following the results of this shift at the Volga Youth Center, the children will learn how to organise local digital activities. Thus, micro-communities will be formed in the districts.

For the first time in the republic there will be a shift in the digital disciplines of The Time of the First. Sports. Динар Фатыхов /

150 children and teenagers interested in nature protection are invited to the Time of the First. Ecology shift will be held from June 13 to 30 at the Koster Youth Center. Participants will form eco-habits and learn to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle.

Those who want to relax will have the opportunity to come to the Time of the First. Art shifts (from June 13 to June 30) and The Time of the First. Media (from June 28 to July 15). The first programme will be held at the Miras Heritage children's health camp and will cover 165 teenagers. The second shift, designed for 100 people, will take place at the Volga Youth Center. Participants will master the skills necessary for an actor, singer and dancer, as well as get acquainted with the basics of journalistic skills and the principles of creating content on social networks.

Suleymanov called volunteering a priority topic for the Movement of the First. The Time of the First. Goodness shift will be dedicated to him. . 96 children and teenagers will create their first volunteer actions at the Dobry children's health camp. And in the shift of the Time for the First . Travel and Tourism, which will be held from August 14 to 31 at the Saulyk health and educational complex and the Zvezdny children's camp, 100 Tatarstan residents will learn about the nature and history of their native land, develop their own hiking trail and make up a travel route along it.

In the shift of the Time for the First . Ecology, 150 participants will learn to lead an eco-friendly lifestyle. . Ринат Назметдинов /

Those wishing to take part in regional shifts need to prepare a portfolio and shoot a short motivational video. Applications are already open, and it is better not to delay: places can run out quickly, the organisers warn.

“A proposal has been received from Turkey to organise exchange camps”

In addition, in the summer, young Tatarstan residents will have the opportunity to relax in municipal stationary camps in 29 districts of the republic, Suleymanov said. The Movement of the First will share its programmes and best practices with the organisers of children's recreation, and conduct online training for counselors.

“We decided to take a closer look at school camps," the head of the movement in the republic also said. According to him, they will be organised in 14 districts of Tatarstan. The programme will be prepared by the children themselves under the supervision of teachers: “Junior high school students will rest in the camp, and senior high school students will organise quizzes, quests, various quizzes and so on for them.”

If the child does not go to the camp, then the camp goes to him, the organisation decided and created the programme “Camp of Our Yard”. Within its framework, the curator and two of his assistants will hold 4-hour events for everyone.

The university shift of the All-Russian cycle from the Movement of the First will also take place in Tatarstan. It is planned to hold it together with the Kazan Federal University and invite foreign guests. The timing of the shift has not yet been determined, now the dates are being coordinated with the federal center, Suleymanov said.

He also shared plans to hold a shift together with foreign countries:

“Just last week we met with colleagues from Turkey, because we received an offer from colleagues from the Turkish Ministry of Youth and Sports to organise exchange camps. For example, one shift, where the guys from Turkey will come, will be held with us, the other, where the guys from Tatarstan will go, with colleagues. Let's see if the federal government will support the initiative, then more children can be hired, including from other regions.”

The project is currently in the active planning stage. It is assumed that the shift will take place in late July-early August, Suleymanov added.

Galiya Garifullina

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