Navigation in the Volga River in Tatarstan might start on 22 April

Navigation in the Volga River in Tatarstan might start on 22 April
Photo: Динар Фатыхов

Navigation in the Volga River in Tatarstan might start on 22 April, Realnoe Vremya was told in the administration of the Volga Internal Water Ways Basin. As a representative of the administration said, the exact date will be chosen when ice will start melting.

Summer navigation started approximately during this period in 2023. It isn’t going to change this year. Navigation in the Kama River started three days later — on 25 April.

Meanwhile, the Tatarstan office of the Ministry of Emergency told Realnoe Vremya that spring flooding in Tatarstan was expected 7-8 days later than pervious average dates — in the second decade of April.

“The development of spring processes doesn’t impact small rivers, water level is low everywhere and below the average record highs,” the administration specified.

The development of spring flood in Tatarstan is expected later than previous average dates. Maxim Platonov / Максим Платонов /

The ice thickness in rivers and water bodies is now 16-66cm. Small ships are allowed to be used during the navigation season, while non-navigable vehicles are permitted to be utilised after a decline in flood waters till the start of freezing, the Ministry of Emergency added.

So navigation of small ships in water bodies will start when floatable signs are installed for river boats. Dedicated decisions are made in the administration of the Volga and Kama Internal Water Way Basins.

Artyom Gafarov, Oleg Isakov

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