Tatarstan had the highest salary and lowest unemployment rate in the Volga area by late 2023

Tatarstan had the highest salary and lowest unemployment rate in the Volga area by late 2023
Photo: Platonov

The average salary in Tatarstan in nine months of 2023 was 59.525 rubles. Compared to the same period in 2022, it rose by 18.5%, or 9.300 rubles (50.200 rubles earlier). With this indicator, the republic ranked first in the Volga Federal District outrunning Perm Karin that was a leader in October.

Opposition between Tatarstan and Perm Krai

Perm Krai was second in size of the monthly salary in the Volga Federal District in January-October 2023 — 58.240 rubles. Bashkortostan is also in the top 3 — 54.943 rubles. The lowest average monthly salary during the same period was in Mordovia — 44.738 rubles. At the same time, compared to the same period in 2022, it increased by 15.7%. As said above, it rose by 18.5% in Tatarstan during the same period, which is in fact not the biggest result. In growth rate, the republic was outperformed by Orenburg Oblast (+21.1%), Chuvashia (+20.6%) and Mari El (+19.4%).

In October 2023, the average salary of workers in Tatarstan totalled 62.460 rubles. It anyway gave way to Perm Krai in its size where it reached 63.268 rubles. Fatykhov

According to the Russian Statistics Service, the average monthly salary in January-October was 52.280 rubles. Compared to the same period in 2022 it rose by 16.6%. However, Volga residents are still 25% below the national level. So the average salary in 2023 totalled 71.000 rubles.

Tatarstan has the lowest unemployment rate in the Volga area

The unemployment rate in Tatarstan was 0.2% of the number of economically active population in November 2023. This is the lowest indicator in the Volga Federal District.

The highest unemployment rate among 14 Volga regions was registered in Orenburg Oblast (0.7%) and Bashkortostan (0.6%). Mordovia, Chuvashia, Kirov, Oenza and Samara regions had 0.5%, Mari El and Udmurtia , Perm Krai and Saratov Oblast did 0.4%. The unemployment rate in Ulyanovsk and Nizhny Novgorod Oblast amounted to 0.3%. The rate in the Volga region in general was 0.4%. Fatykhov

Maxim Kokunin

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