‘The mission is to create a harmonious personality’: 100 days before Games of the Future in Kazan

Exactly 100 days left before the first-ever Games of the Future International Multisport Tournament, which Kazan hosts in 2024. In honour of this date, a solemn ceremony was held in Moscow within the framework of the Rossiya international megaforum exhibition. Five characters symbolising the challenges of the tournament, the mascot of the games and their main trophy were presented at the event, which went on a tour of the country's cities — its final point is the International Space Station. A correspondent of Realnoe Vremya visited the ceremony.
“The idea of combining classical sports and esports reflects the image of Russia”
The start of the ceremony was given by Russia's President Vladimir Putin, by whose decree the multisport tournament was established. He greeted everyone through a video message:
“The very idea of combining classical sports and esports reflects the image of Russia, open to everything new, aiming to move forward and, at the same time, able to harmoniously combine original heritage and modernity. Participants and guests of the Games of the Future will have the opportunity to see this for themselves by coming to Kazan — the city where different traditions and cultures develop and enrich each other.
We, in Russia, are well aware of the value of diversity, including, of course, in sports. It is much more for us than a competition in strength and skill or the basis of a healthy, active lifestyle. Sport is a symbol, the embodiment of justice, equality and humanism, a way to strengthen mutual understanding between countries and peoples.
The fundamental importance of sports, the principles of Olympism form the very philosophy of the Games of the Future born in Russia. They have already united representatives of fifty states. And this, of course, is just the beginning.
There is no doubt that the upcoming tournament will evoke a response from millions of people and clearly demonstrate that one of the absolute priorities of the emerging multipolar world is the harmony of intelligence and physical perfection.
Dear friends, it is symbolic that 100 days before the start of the Games of the Future are celebrated at the site of Rossiya International Exhibition-Forum, where the advanced achievements of our country are presented. We really have something to be proud of in industry, science, culture, sports and, of course, in digital technologies, where Russia is actively strengthening its position. Evidence of this is the holding of the Games of the Future, a fundamentally new sports tournament based on the beauty of traditional sports and the most advanced innovative breakthroughs.”
Vladimir Putin invited everyone to participate in the unique multi-sports festival in the capital of Tatarstan. It is still unknown whether he will visit them personally.
“See you in Kazan!” said the head of the state.
Cosmic mascot of the tournament
Next, the guests of the ceremony were presented with the mascot of the Games of the Future in Kazan. It is a firebird named Mira, created in Tatarstan. The work on the mascot had been carried out for more than six months.

The students from Kazan who developed the mascot of the Games of the Future — Maria Romashka, Alina Khasanova, and Daria Sedakova — said that their goal was to personify the sixth sense of a person. They decided to turn to the space theme.
The firebird is a prototype of an ancient cosmic luminary, a star named Mira, which is about 6 billion years old. Her name translates from Latin as “amazing”.
“We all need an image that will become a symbol of peace and unification of peoples. Such a simple, but still deep in meaning name is suitable for such a large-scale event as the Games of the Future," said one of the students who developed the mascot of the tournament.
100 more sleepless nights
Russian Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Chernyshenko attended the ceremony 100 Days Before the Games of the Future. He recalled that the multisport tournament, which Kazan hosts soon, is the first event of this format in the history of mankind. Also, the chairman of the federal organising committee of the Games of the Future drew attention to the symbolism of the venue of the ceremony — it was organised at the Cosmonautics and Aviation Centre.
“This is very symbolic, because we were the first in space, and on behalf of the president, we will be the first to hold these games in Kazan in 100 days, the first in the history of mankind. The mission of these games is to create a harmonious personality at the junction of esports and classical sports. We all strive for harmony, the president has said it now in the best possible way," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.
He assured that the organisers of the Games of the Future are carefully preparing for the tournament, and recalled that more than 10 test competitions were held, in which representatives of 40 countries participated.

“Very soon, more than 100 countries will come to us, and athletes will compete in 21 high-tech disciplines, and new codes, new heroes will be born. I see our honoured athletes, record holders here in the hall, and we want, of course, our team to have victories at the first games, and we count on it very much. We are also preparing, and our athletes are training. I want to thank all the organisers, everyone who does not sleep at night and will not sleep for at least another 100 days and nights," Dmitry Chernyshenko said.
Trophy of the Games of the Future has gone on a journey
The main trophy of the Games of the Future has gone on a trip to Russia directly from pavilion number 34 at VDNH. After the auto tour in seven cities, including Kazan, it will go into space — Russian cosmonauts are already waiting for it on the ISS.
The trophy was handed over to the volunteers of the Games of the Future right on the stage. They solemnly carried it to the cars, which immediately set off on the road.
Dmitry Chernyshenko, the chairman of the federal organising committee of the Games of the Future, gave good wished to the trophy. He thanked the volunteers for fulfilling the honourable mission of accompanying the prize.

“Many thanks to the volunteers who give the most precious thing they have — their time, an irreplaceable resource," he said.
The first stop of the Games of the Future trophy after Moscow is Nizhny Novgorod. After that, it will go to Kazan, then to Ulyanovsk, Samara, Ufa, Orenburg and, finally, to the Baikonur Cosmodrome. From there, it will be launched into space. Having been off the planet, the trophy will return to Earth in 2024, to the capital of Tatarstan, just in time for the start of the tournament. It will be awarded to the winner of the first ever multi-sport tournament.

Sports, tactics, strategy, speed, and technology
In Moscow, 100 days before the Games of the Future, virtual characters symbolising the five challenges of the tournament were also presented. These are sports, tactics, strategy, speed, and technologies.
The characters are a kind of guides for the participants of the Games of the Future, the five heroes of the digital universe with their own history. According to the idea, “they will become an example in reality, at the junction of the physical and virtual worlds”.

The first challenge is Sports. His character is described as “an athlete, a hero, a leader, an ambassador of athleticism and striving to be the best version of himself”.
“The real world is too small for him, so he decided to conquer the digital one. He will lead the players to the battlefields of the sports games of the world of digital," says the presentation of the character Sport.
The second challenge is Tactics. This is a male character — a desperate adventurer.
“After meeting Mira, he got a gift — tactical thinking. He is able to anticipate situations and see through enemies. This is the embodiment of all the players who are engaged in business with full dedication. In the morning, he wins the laser tag, and in the evening, he celebrates the victory in the esports shooters," they described Tactics at the ceremony.
The third challenge of the upcoming Games of the Future is Strategy. It is represented in the image of a girl from a fantastic world.
“Our heroine has found harmony between digital reality and nature. For her, the team is not just a word. She knows what is behind the victory, what feelings bind friends, and how to raise the morale of her team. It is equally good both in monogames and in team competitions that require strength, endurance, and ingenuity," it is how the image of Strategy is described.
The fourth challenge is Speed. This character is presented in the image of a young man — a rebel who likes to break the rules and look for loopholes.
“He always knows a shortcut. No one knows what's on his mind, which makes him an even more dangerous opponent. Going beyond the limits of the possible, circumventing an obstacle in the most amazing way is its nature. He will easily overcome any obstacle course and pass the game faster than anyone else," his creators described Speed.
The fifth challenge is represented by a female character — this is Technology. She is described as a “frail-looking girl” with incredible strength — travelling through virtual worlds.

“She will have no problems with any device, any program, or neural network," it is said about Technology.
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