400 teachers needed annually to solve the problem of staff shortage in Kazan’s education

400 teachers needed annually to solve the problem of staff shortage in Kazan’s education
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Platonov

Kazan Mayor Ilsur Metshin claimed there was a staff deficit in education. According to him, 400 teachers need to be invited to the Tatarstan capital every year to solve this problem.

“Over 400 new teachers are needed every year in Kazan because of the demographic boom and dynamic growth of the number of school students. They need to be found, adapted to modern requirements,” he said Everything Depends on Staff business forum.

Metshin says that the shortage of teachers, doctors, construction specialists pushed the city administration to creating specialised classes. Nowadays there are 60 pedagogical, 25 medical classes where 2,234 senior students study. 10 architecture students are about to appear.

realnoevremya.ru/ Maxim Platonov

“We have every possibility of organising such classes if engineering, technical and other enterprises request it,” he states.

1,300 teachers from other Russian cities found employment in Kazan schools in the last five years. As the mayor said, they moved to Kazan for permanent residence.

Head of the city’s Education Office Irek Rizvanov said there was a shortage of teachers in Kazan in late August. According to him, there is a lack of primary school, maths, English and science teachers.

Ayrat Nazipov, Galiya Shakirova

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