Average daily air temperatures in Tatarstan 5-7 degrees higher than multi-year values

Average daily air temperatures in Tatarstan 5-7 degrees higher than multi-year values
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Kokunin (archive)

Hot dry weather is being observed in Tatarstan — the average daily air temperatures are by 5-7 degrees higher than multi-year values. This was reported in the Hydrometeorological Centre of the republic.

On Sunday afternoon, August 6, the air warmed up to +29..+31°C. On Monday night, air temperatures reached +13... +19 degrees.

The Hydrometeorological Centre of Tatarstan explained that the republic, like most of the European territory of Russia, is under the influence of an extensive anticyclone.

realnoevremya.ru/Maxim Kokunin

According to the forecast, the heat without significant precipitation is going to continue until the end of this week. In the daytime, the air is going to warm up to +33 degrees.

Tatyana Demina

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