Tatarstan lifts COVID-19 restrictions and support measures — nearly 100 documents now null and void

Tatarstan lifts COVID-19 restrictions and support measures — nearly 100 documents now null and void
Photo: Platonov

Cancellation of social support measures and support for culture institutions

Tatarstan authorities cancelled restrictions and support measures that were introduced during coronavirus. A total of 88 documents were declared null and void in the republic. The decree was signed by the region’s Prime Minister Alexey Pesoshin.

For instance, the decree No. 208 as of 19 March 2020 On Preventive Measures against the Spread of the Novel Coronavirus Infection in Tatarstan became invalid. According to this document, certain restrictions were imposed in the republic for some time — self-isolation, QR codes, the ban on attending religious facilities, night clubs, mandatory mask wearing, the ban on mass events, social distancing, the ban on hookahs, the attendance of Multi-Functional Centres, Registry Offices and cinemas, etc. These restrictions were gradually cancelled as the situation improved.

Full alert lifted in Tatarstan

The full alert was lifted in Tatarstan in June for power agencies and emergency response forces of the republic. It was also declared because of the coronavirus pandemic. Such a decision was made because the epidemiological situation in the region stabilised as well as the virus spread risk. Platonov

The regime was introduced by Rustam Minnikhanov as early as 2020. It was in force until a special order.

Higher incidence expected in Russia this autumn

Meanwhile, as head of Russia’s consumer rights protection watchdog Anna Popova said, a rise in the COVID-19 incidence is expected this autumn. According to her, Russian authorities are already preparing for a higher incidence. But this became a common occurrence since the start of the pandemic. Platonov

By Popova’s forescasts, the incidence of other respiratory diseases will also increase in the country after the end of summer.

It is noteworthy that COVID-19 hospital continue operating in the republic. Nowadays they have 252 beds in Tatarstan. About 6% of them are vacant.

Artur Kazantsev

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