Eastern ‘gates’ of Tatarstan: Bavly to open for tourists, artisans, and youth

How parks, squares, and streets are going to change in small towns and districts of the republic

Eastern ‘gates’ of Tatarstan: Bavly to open for tourists, artisans, and youth
Photo: a screenshot by realnoevremya.ru of project of Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan Foundation

This year, seven towns in Tatarstan — Aznakaevo, Bavly, Bugulma, Mendeleevsk, Menzelinsk, Nurlat, Tetyushi, Sviyazhsk — have applied for the All-Russian competition of small towns, the results of which will be announced on July 24. The republic has participated in the competition for the seventh time. From 2018 to 2022, the winners from the region were 40 public spaces, 32 of which have already been implemented. The total amount of grants from the federal budget amounted to more than 2,7 billion rubles. Read more about one of the projects, the station square in Bavly — in the exclusive project of Realnoe Vremya and the Institute of Urban Development of Tatarstan Foundation.

Bavly greeters

The station square is the face of the city of Bavly, the first thing anyone who comes here sees. Besides, it is a transport and tourist hub of the city and the Bavly district. The bus station, located in the very centre of the city, did not work. That is why, when voting, local residents chose its territory for landscaping, as well as the adjacent October Square and Pionerskaya Street.

a screenshot by realnoevremya.ru of project of Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan

The “gates” of the republic

Bavly is the eastern entrance “gate” of the republic. Therefore, the concept of the project is to reveal the city as open and inviting, ready to receive anyone — both its resident and guest.

The project of improvement of the central October Square and Pionerskaya Street with adjacent territories is the creation of a multifunctional space designed for all groups of users. The image is inspired by the existing architecture of the city and the strongest association among residents — honeycombs. The project connects the main parks and walking areas of the centre, continues the development of the bicycle road network, lays the design code for the entire city and returns the functions of the bus station.

a screenshot by realnoevremya.ru of project of Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan

Return to the origins — fairs

During the Soviet period, weekly agricultural fairs were held on the territory of the bus station. As part of the city discussion, design solutions were tested at the artisans' fair. Local craftsmen took part in it, whose products were actively bought up by the townspeople.

The experience of holding such event format showed the need to return the fair tradition to the project territory and proved its relevance among the residents of the city to this day. The territory is interesting to local artisans, teachers and students of educational organisations, tourists, athletes, residents of nearby houses, travellers and citizens.

a screenshot by realnoevremya.ru of project of Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan

Citywide discussions were also held to identify problems and requests from different groups of the population, in which the citizens themselves became the authors of the project — according to their proposals, a design code and some objects on the territory were created, for example, a streetball wall in the form of honeycombs.

What areas are proposed to be landscaped?

  • The “youth” zone is an area adjacent to the central October Square with the House of Culture, which includes several functions: a dance stage and a platform in front of it; coworking pavilions with tables where one can work in the summer and conduct workshops, conversational meetings; a place for seasonal fairs and a children's area with a children's equipment, a children's bike path and a bathroom.
  • School territory — a territory near a school, where students will have the opportunity to conduct physical education classes, play basketball and on the playground after classes, as well as wait for parents in a green area under canopies.
  • Station square — information about intercity bus routes, tourist sites of the city and the district will be collected here. The territory of the station square includes waiting areas, a multifunctional area where one can arrange fairs and food court, as well as an area for working at tables in the fresh air.
a screenshot by realnoevremya.ru of project of Institute of Urban Development of the Republic of Tatarstan

The project will make it possible to form a modern and comfortable location of “meeting with the city”, create rest and waiting points, a safe and all-season system of daily transit of residents of Bavly, expand the market of local products. Young people studying in other cities or in Bavly will find it much more comfortable to get home, and a high-quality living environment will be another reason to realise their potential in their hometown.

Institute of Urban Development of Tatarstan Foundation

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