Investment declaration extended through 2028 in Tatarstan

Investment declaration extended through 2028 in Tatarstan
Photo: Fatykhov

Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikanov signed a decree on extending the republic’s investment declaration through 2028. The dedicated document was published on the official website of legal information.

The investment declaration came into force on 18 June 2012, while on 30 November 2021 it was made changes that added a new regional standard to the document. This document was designed to provide a favourable investment climate, project development as well as socio-economic development of the region and a better quality of life of its population.

Photo: Platonov

The main goal of the declaration is to provide a real growth of investments in the main capital as a contribution to achieving the national development goal — by 70% through 2030 compared to 2020 (615 billion rubles).

Tatarstan and another 11 regions completed the work on introducing a regional investment standard in 2021. Besides the republic, a pilot project was done in Zabaikalye Krai, Volgograd, Voronezh, Nizhny Novgorod, Veliky Novgorod, Sakhalin, Tula, Chelyabinsk, Moscow oblasts and Moscow.

It should be reminded that Tatarstan is 2nd in a national investment climate rating in Russian regions in 2023. The republic has kept this position for five years in a row. Moscow is still the leader.

“Firstly, we created good infrastructure for small and mid-size businesses. Industrial parks have been created. 97,000 people are employed there, there have been sold products for 596 billion rubles. Secondly, we do work on staff training. We seriously work on creating resource centres, their number in the republic 45 today. Thirdly, we help promote SMEs, created a republican marketing centre, it has 4,400 members, they received an order for 196 billion rubles,” Tatarstan Rais Rustam Minnikhanov said at Petersburg International Economic Forum.

Maxim Kokunin

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