Issuance of work permits to foreigners in Tatarstan falls by almost 7 times

Issuance of work permits to foreigners in Tatarstan falls by almost 7 times
Photo: Nazmetdinov (archive)

In the first quarter of 2023, 158 work permits were issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons in Tatarstan. This is 6,6 times less than in January-March last year, when 1,053 were issued, Realnoe Vremya found out, having studied official statistics data.

Out of the work permits issued in Tatarstan in January-March of this year, 30 were issued to qualified specialists, 74 — to highly qualified workers. For comparison, in the first quarter of last year, there were 13 and 768, respectively.

In terms of the number of work permits issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons in the first quarter of 2023, Tatarstan ranks 2nd in the Volga Federal District. Nizhny Novgorod Oblast is the leader — 195 such documents. Bashkiria round out the top 3 — 63 work permits.

In general, 619 work permits were issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons in the Volga Federal District in the first three months of 2023. This is 2,5 times less than in the first quarter of the previous year.

Photo: Repin (archive)

In total, at the end of the first quarter, there were 591 valid work permits issued to foreigners and stateless persons in the republic. In terms of their number, Tatarstan in the Volga Federal District was ahead only of Nizhny Novgorod Oblast — 824.

Realnoe Vremya wrote that in 2022 1,578 work permits were issued to foreign citizens and stateless persons in Tatarstan. This is the largest indicator among the regions of the Volga Federal District and almost half of the total number of work permits issued in 14 of its regions.

Tatyana Demina

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