‘The development and prosperity of Russia rhas eached rapid progress’: Xi Jinping meets with Vladimir Putin

Chairman of the PRC Xi Jinping arrived in Russia with a three-day visit on 20 March. During his first day, the Chinese leader met the country’s President Vladimir Putin in the ceremony office of the first building of the Kremlin. The governors had informal talks where they discussed a number of important issues about both relations between the two countries and their influence on the whole international arena. Read key takeaways from their meeting in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

“We even envy you a bit”

Xi Jinping arrived in Moscow at about 13.00. The PRC chairman walked along a guard of honour on a red carpet to the presidential terminal to music played by a military orchestra. A delegation of people receiving the Chinese leader included Vice Premier Dmitry Chernyshenko, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia Andrey Rudenko and the country’s Ambassador in Beijing Igor Morgulov.

The meeting started with the Russian president’s congratulations on Xi Jinping’s reelection as head of the Chinese state. At the same time, Vladimir Putin noted that Beijing and Moscow had a lot of goals and tasks in common.

“I know that you personally, all our Chinese friends pay huge attention to the development of Russian-Sino relations,” he added addressing the PRC leader.

At the same time, the head of the country claimed that in the recent years China had made a huge breakthrough in its development, which aroused interest in the whole world and “we (Editor’s note: Russia) envy you a bit.” Also, Vladimir Putin expressed his confidence that China will continue developing and achieving goals set.

“There was created an effective economic development and reinforcement system in China. It is much more effective than in many other countries of the world, it is an obvious fact. Market mechanisms combine with quite a confident political course and yield visible results. I am sure that under your guidance China will make further steps in its development in the next years and, without doubt, achieve those goals you set for yourself,” he said.

The Kremlin got acquainted with the PRC’s proposals to regulate the crisis in Ukraine

Vladimir Putin also said that Xi Jinping’s first visit to Russia as PRC chairman was 10 years ago.

“Over this time, we have made significant steps in the development of our relations. Our commodity turnover has more than doubled, I think it was a bit more than 87%, now it is close to 200, $185 billion,” the Russian leader said.

The head of the country couldn’t bypass the events in Ukraine. According to him, Russia is interested in the PRC’s proposals for peaceful regulation and these initiatives would be repeatedly discussed.

“We have carefully examined your proposals to regulate the acute crisis in Ukraine. Of course, we will have an opportunity to discuss this issue. We know that you rest on principles of justice and comply with basic international law resolutions, indivisible security for all the countries. You are also aware that we are always open for talks. We will, undoubtedly, discuss all these issues, including your initiatives we, of course, treat with respect,” the president stressed.

Speaking about the influence on the international arena, the head of the country noted that the Russian-Chinese cooperation facilitates the reinforcement of basic principles of the world order and multipolarity.

Xi Jinping: the PRC pays huge attention to the development of Russian-Chinese relations

PRC Chairman Xi Jinping in turn expressed his confidence that Russian citizens would support Vladimir Putin during next year’s presidential elections. According to him, the country has managed to achieve serious development under the president’s firm guidance.

“I know that next year your country will have presidential elections. Under the firm guidance of the Mr President the development and prosperity of Russia have achieved rapid progress. I am convinced that Russian people will certainly continue supporting Mr President,” he said.

Also, he noted that China was thankful to the president of Russia for his positive attitude to the PRC.

“Many thanks, Mr President, for always positively evaluating the development and construction of China, supporting us,” said Xi Jinping.

At the end of the conversation, the Chinese leader claimed that the PRC lays emphasis on the relations with Russia because they have historical logic.

Maxim Kokunin

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