Volume of paid services provided to the elderly and disabled jumps by 68% in Tatarstan

Volume of paid services provided to the elderly and disabled jumps by 68% in Tatarstan
Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov (archive)

The volume of paid services rendered to Tatarstan citizens in 2022 amounted to 343,5 billion rubles. Of these, almost a fifth — 19,6% — fell on utilities. The share of transport services is less — 18,5%. What the residents of Tatarstan spent on last year — read in the material of Realnoe Vremya.

Volume of paid services has increased by 3,4%

According to Tatarstan Statistics, the volume of paid services to the population in the republic has increased by 3,4% compared to 2021. The growth is observed in almost all observed categories — household, transport, housing and utilities, veterinary, educational, and so on.

However, the volume of some paid services decreased in January-December 2022 compared to the previous year. These are, for example, postal services and courier services. Their volume is less by 5% and amounted to almost 1,7 billion rubles, of which 185 million are for courier delivery services. How the indicator in this category has changed is unknown, since statistical observation has been conducted only since January last year, that is, there are no data for 2021.

The volume of telecommunication services in Tatarstan has decreased by 8,1%. According to the results of last year, it amounted to 30,15 billion rubles, or 8,8% of the total volume of paid services to the population of the republic.

The drop in the indicator is also recorded in the field of legal services. In 2022, Tatarstan citizens paid almost 7,5 billion rubles for them, of which 605 million — in December. The amount is by 5,2% less than in 2021.

Tatarstan residents paid less for transport services than for utilities

In Tatarstan, the volume of paid services has increased most noticeably — by 68,1% — provided to elderly and disabled citizens. By the results of 2022, it is estimated at 565 million rubles. With such a sharp increase, the share of these services in the total volume turned out to be minimal — only 0,2%. Such, for example, is the share of electronic services and services in the field of information and communication technologies.

The volume of paid services rendered to Tatarstan citizens by cultural institutions has increased by almost a third — 30,3%. It amounted to 4,6 billion rubles. This is 1,4% of the total volume of paid services to the population of the region.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Maksim Platonov

A similar share fell on travel agencies, tour operators and other booking services and related services. In 2022, the volume in this area increased by 20,8%, reaching 4,89 billion rubles.

The volume of services of specialised collective accommodation facilities increased by 19,1% in Tatarstan over the past year. It is estimated at 7,2 billion rubles, or 2,1% of the total volume of paid services.

The volume of utilities, which accounts for almost a fifth of the total volume of paid services to the population of Tatarstan, remained almost at the level of 2021. The increase is 0,4%, to 67,3 billion rubles.

By the results of 2023, both figures are likely to be even higher. Payments for January, which will be remembered for the abnormal frosts that began during the New Year holidays, have already shocked many Tatarstan residents. For some, the payment has increased by 400 rubles, and for someone the bill came by 1,5 thousand more than in December.

Photo: realnoevremya.ru/Margarita Golovatenko

The biggest expense item in utility bills is heating. Realnoe Vremya found out that by the end of February Tatarstan residents will be refunded more than 9 million rubles overpaid for it.

Transport services in Tatarstan, despite an increase in volume by 3,9%, failed to become leaders by the end of 2022. With an indicator of 63,6 billion rubles, they are the second in terms of their share in the total volume.

Tatyana Demina

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