‘Marat, you do a very right, noble and useful thing!’

The president of Russia has instructed to scale the Tatarstan citizen's project on rehabilitation of disabled people to the whole country

‘Marat, you do a very right, noble and useful thing!’
Photo: a video screenshot/realnoevremya.ru

“I marked it for myself, I want to wish you good luck," Vladimir Putin supported the project of Tatarstan resident Marat Ilyasov on the author's method of rehabilitation of disabled people, noting that he was engaged in “a very correct, very noble and very useful work”. The head of the state was so inspired by the example of the Bavly resident who rose back to his feet after paralysis and now helps other people with disabilities with the help of simulators developed by him that he instructed to scale his experience to the whole country. About what has been done after the conversation with the Russian leader, and what are the prospects for the socially significant project now — read the details in our material.

“You do a very right and noble thing”

The project for the rehabilitation of people with disabilities, developed by Marat Ilyasov, a resident of Bavly, about which Realnoe Vremya already told, has been included in the list of 12 recent instructions from Russian President Vladimir Putin to the government. The list was formed following a meeting with disabled people and representatives of public organisations of the country at the end of the year in Moscow and signed by the head of the state.

“In order to introduce new types of technical means of rehabilitation of disabled people, to consider the possibility of conducting pre-registration tests and studies of simulators developed by Ilyasov M.M. and intended for rehabilitation of disabled people, and registration of such simulators in accordance with the requirements established by regulatory legal acts in the field of circulation of medical devices, as well as the further use of such simulators that have passed registration, in medical practice and during competitions in various types of adaptive sports," Putin's instruction says.

Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin has been appointed responsible for the implementation, and a report on the execution of the order must be submitted by the end of this year. Marat Ilyasov, during the meeting with the Russian leader, which took place via videoconferencing, spoke about the author's simulators and successful tests. The resident of Bavly told the president his difficult story about a fatal accident and complete paralysis, how, contrary to forecasts, he managed to overcome the disease with the help of developed equipment and has been helping other disabled people to return to normal life for almost 10 years. His project “You get on your feet — help someone else” was included in the list of the 100 best Russian initiatives in 2021 and was supported by the Presidential Grants Fund, becoming the third in recent years.

Photo: courtesy of Marat Ilyasov (right) for realnoevremya.ru

The only thing Ilyasov asked for help from the president was to assist in licensing the author's simulators and their implementation in rehabilitation centres in Russia. Today, several centres of six districts of Tatarstan and three districts of Bashkortostan work by the author's methodology of the Bavly resident. “I marked it down, as you can see, for myself," Vladimir Putin replied, “I would like to wish you good luck!”

Besides, the head of the Ya Smogu (“I can”) rehabilitation and wellness centre asked to consider the possibility of developing the new type of adaptive sports on the Mashinka simulators.

“Marat, thank you! You do a very right and noble, and useful thing. The fact that you are going through registration procedures at the Central Clinical Hospital of the Russian Academy of Sciences is very correct. I will make sure that all of them pass in the right time and these deadlines are not unreasonably delayed, and you obtain the necessary documents. I will tell the Ministry of Sports, of course, Minister Matytsin, about that it is on these simulators that the relevant competitions are held. The more competitions, the better. The main thing is that your simulators are suitable for competitions of this kind, so that a certain consensus on the necessity and expediency is reached at the level of specialists and doctors, coaching staff, those who are engaged in these sports. But the attention of colleagues in the government will definitely be drawn to this!” stressed Vladimir Putin.

But the main thing is that the head of the state instructed to spread the positive experience of Tatarstan citizens in the rehabilitation of disabled people throughout the country. Marat Ilyasov was very pleased with the outcome of the meeting, he told Realnoe Vremya what steps have already been taken at the federal level to fulfill this presidential order.

Immediately after the conversation with Putin, the representatives of the federal Ministry of Healthcare and the Ministry of Sports, as well as Roszdravnadzor contacted the Tatarstan citizen. During these online meetings, Russian officials and Ilyasov outlined joint steps to develop the project. For example, on the initiative of the chief rehabilitologist of the Ministry of Healthcare of Russia, Galina Ivanova, patients of the National Medical and Surgical Centre named after N.I. Pirogov will soon start practicing on 4 models of Ilyasov's original simulators.

On Mashinka — to victory

Marat Ilyasov and his project for the rehabilitation of disabled people took second place at the International Competition #MYVMESTE. But the main achievement of the Bavly resident still considers it a conversation with the president and his instructions to the government. Marat shared the dream of meeting with Putin with Realnoe Vremya just before his trip to Moscow for the final of the competition.

Now, with the funds of the grant received, the new project will be launched in Kazan — the development of the new adaptive sport for the disabled on the basis of the Yardem Mosque sports complex, where disabled people from all over Russia come for rehabilitation and inclusion.

“We will hold trainings and competitions in Kazan, in which disabled people with various categories of restrictions will be able to participate. First, we conducted them in Bavly, then Almetyevsk, Naberezhnye Chelny and in the city of Oktyabrsky of Bashkortostan, and now we will develop this new type of adaptation in Kazan. The competitions, in which more than 700 people have participated in three years, are races, like in wheelchairs, only sitting on a four-wheeled simulator Mashinka, where one needs to push off from the surface with their feet. Participants compete for the time it took to overcome the distance," said the head of the Ya Mogu centre.

Thanks to his author's simulators and methods, Marat Ilyasov managed to recover almost completely after a tragic accident, because of which he ended up in a hospital bed and was paralysed. He established the production of 12 models of simulators for people with disabilities, which are used in their work by a number of rehabilitation centres in Tatarstan, and opened his centre in Bavly, where disabled people not only from the republic, but also from other Russian regions can undergo rehabilitation for free.

The process of implementing the methodology on the scale of Russia is not fast

On New Year's Eve, a videoconference was held with the participation of representatives of the Ministry of Sports, Ministry of Healthcare of Russia and Roszdravnadzor, where Ilyasov discussed the implementation of the presidential order. As it turned out, before the initiative of the Tatarstan citizen, voiced before the head of Russia, begins to be implemented nationwide, many procedures have to be passed.

“Additional studies will be conducted during the year, then yit is necessary to get registration certificates and expert opinions on these simulators. After that, it will be possible to talk about increasing the production of these simulators," explained Marat Ilyasov.

In his opinion, officials from Russian ministries were seriously interested in his developments and the results of work on this methodology. “Everything is just beginning, I think the first results will be visible in a few months, especially since this is an order from the president of Russia, and it is under the control of the prime minister," the Tatarstan citizen said.

Angelina Panchenko

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