Number of bankruptcies of sole traders and natural persons in Tatarstan rises 1,5 times, corporate bankruptcies falls by third

Number of bankruptcies of sole traders and natural persons in Tatarstan rises 1,5 times, corporate bankruptcies falls by third
Photo: Repin (archive)

Despite the difficult 2022 for the economy, the rise of prices, the burden of sanctions, logistic problems and other hardships, Russian companies started to go bankrupt less. According to the Federal Resource’s data, the number of launches of bankruptcy proceedings reduced by 12,2% compared to 2021. Perhaps, a moratorium on bankruptcy that started on 1 April for six months became partly the reason. But it included many: organisations, sole traders, while the latter, in contrast, went bankrupt more often than before.

Tatarstan also turned out to follow the Russian trend — the number of bankruptcies of legal entities and farms in the republic reduced by almost a third over the year, but the number of sole traders and citizens rose more than 1,5 times. Read more in Realnoe Vremya’s report.

211 Tatarstan companies went bankrupt in a year

The number of corporate bankruptcies reduced by 31,3% in Tatarstan in 2022, the Federal Resources calculated. Over 12 months, 211 bankruptcies of legal entities and farms were registered in the republic — the same number was in Novosibirsk Oblast where the number of those recognised insolvent shrank by nearly a quarter (-24,4%).

Photo: Platonov

The dynamics of the fall in the number of corporate bankruptcies in Khakassia (-60%), Buryatia (-52,4%), Mari El (-50%), Adygeya (-46,8%), Pskov Oblast (-46,2%), Jew Autonomous Oblast (45,5%), Veliky Novgorod (-38,9%), Chuvashia (-37,1%), Kirov Oblast (-35,3%), Rostov Oblast (-35%), Altai Krai (-32,7%), Bashkiria (-32,4%), Kaluga (-39,1%) and Amur oblasts (-31,8%) is more serious than in Tatarstan. The amount of bankruptcies of legal entities and farms reduced in Chukotka Autonomous District more notably, by 80%, to one.

In quantity of corporate bankruptcies, in 2022, Tatarstan shares sixth position with Novosibirsk Oblast. Moscow where 1,969 bankruptcy proceedings of legal entities and farms were registered leads the rating — it is more than the fifth part of all cases (21,7%).

Photo: Platonov

The top 5 also includes Moscow Oblast (759 bankruptcies), Saint Petersburg (699), Krasnodar Krai (314) and Sverdlovsk Oblast (241). The lowest number of companies and farms recognised insolvent in 2022 was registered in Chukotka and Nenets autonomous districts — one in each.

A moratorium on application of bankruptcies of all individuals except for developers from 1 April to 1 October 2022 can partly explain the fall in the number of corporate bankruptcies in Russia. However, as the Federal Resource claimed, there wasn’t registered a hike in bankruptcies after its cancellation.

7,800 sole traders and citizens went bankrupt in Tatarstan in a year

The situation with bankruptcies of sole traders and natural persons is absolutely different. Courts sold property regarding 7,847 entities in Tatarstan in 2022, which is 57,9% more than a year earlier.

In number of sole traders and citizens recognised bankrupts, Tatarstan is last in the top 10 in 2022. Krasnodar Krai turned out to be the leader — 13,951 bankruptcies. It is followed by Moscow Oblast (13,472), Moscow (13,439), Bashkiria (11,075), Sverdlovsk Oblast (10,990), Saint Petersburg (10,369), Samara Oblast (9,567), Rostov Oblast (8,868) and Chelyabinsk Oblast (8,789).

Growth in the number of bankruptcies of sole traders and natural persons was registered across Russia in general — by 44,2%, to 278,137. A total of 753,250 entities were recognised insolvent since October 2015.

Photo: Platonov

The amount of bankruptcies of sole traders and individuals rose more notably in Chechnya — by 223%. In 2022, 511 bankruptcies were registered in the republic. Zero rise was registered in Nenets Autonomous District — one entity went bankrupt there last year as well as in 2021.

19,932 reports regarding natural persons and sole traders were registered in Tatarstan in general since October 2015. More than a third of them — 39,3% — were last year, a quarter — in 2021.

Quantity of extrajudicial bankruptcy proceeding in Tatarstan falls

A mechanism of extrajudicial bankruptcy proceeding for individuals started to function in Russia on 1 September 2020. 7,118 Russians used this procedure last year, which is 52,6% more than in 2021. A total of 13,577 debtors have used the mechanism since its launch.

107 reports on the launch of extrajudicial bankruptcy proceedings of Multi-Functional Centres were registered in Tatarstan in 2022. Compared to the previous year, their number is twice lower, or by 1,8%.

256 Tatarstan residents have opted for the extrajudicial bankruptcy mechanism since autumn of 2020. 40 of them resorted to it during the first four months of its action.

Photo: Nazmetdinov

It should be reminded that it became known about the first extrajudicial bankruptcy proceeding in Tatarstan in March 2021. A 30-year-old citizen of Menzelinsk District was recognised bankrupt in a simplified way, without the court’s decision. Her debts to creditors exceeded 200,000 rubles.

In number of reports on the launch of extrajudicial bankruptcy of Multi-Functional Centres in 2022, Tatarstan is the last in the top 20. Chelyabinsk Oblast is first (433), Orenburg Oblast is second (382), Omsk Oblast is third (345), Sverdlovsk Oblast is fourth (306), Saint Petersburg is fifth (272).

The smallest number of people who used the extrajudicial bankruptcy proceedings is in Magadan Oblast and Nenets Autonomous District — one in each of them. Eight and four cases of this kind were registered in these regions since the start of its application.

Tatiana Dyomina

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