Tatarstan industrial production reaches zero point five

Tatarstan industrial production reaches zero point five
Photo: Afanasyev

The industrial production index (IPI) in Tatarstan amounted to 107,8% for January-October 2022. Thus, it practically remained at the level of the same period last year — 107,3% (the difference was only 0,5%). At the same time, in the current year, goods of its own production were shipped, works and services were performed in the amount of 3,692 trillion rubles.

In one place with a slight advantage

The IPI is measured in the form of gross value added for four types of economic activity. These are “mining”, “manufacturing”, “provision of electricity, gas and steam”, as well as “water supply and waste disposal”.

Manufacturing industries have increased most of all — by 9,6%, compared to January-October 2021. Mining has also increased by 5,9%. As for the provision of electricity and gas, it has risen by insignificant 0,5%. At the same time, in the field of water supply, sanitation, waste collection and disposal, as well as pollution elimination activities, the index amounted to 98,4% (fell by 1,6%).

If we compare October of this year with the previous month, industrial production has increased by 6,5%. Thus, positive results are observed in all four types of activities: mining (+3,5%), manufacturing (+7,7%), electricity supply (+20,3%), as well as water supply (+5%).

Leaders and outsiders in industries

In October of this year, compared to the same month in 2021, the most noticeable drop was:

  • textile production (-29,3%) — by 2,2% compared to the period from January to October 2021;
  • wood processing (-34,7%) — by 7,9% compared to the period from January to October 2021;
  • production of medicines and materials (-17,5%) — by 49,6% compared to the period from January to October 2021;
  • production of rubber and plastic products (-6,6%) — by 3,7% compared to the period from January to October 2021;
  • production of other non-metallic mineral products (-11,5%) — by 3,1% compared to the period from January to October 2021.

According to financial indicators, the production of textiles in January-October reached 2,8 billion (-18,7% compared to last year), wood processing — 22,8 billion (-9,3%), production of medicines — 5,1 billion (+26,4%), production of rubber and plastic products — 174,9 billion (+31,2%).

Photo: Platonov

Leaders among the areas of industrial production are:

  • Food production — by October 2021 it increased by 8,1% (by October-January — by 6,4%). The volume of services rendered and goods shipped for this October amounted to 26,9 billion rubles (for January-October — 228,9 billion rubles).
  • Crude oil and natural gas production increased by 3,2% by October 2021 (by 3,7% by October-January). The volume of services and goods shipped in October reached 70,2 million rubles (in January-October — 797 billion rubles).
  • The production of chemicals and products increased by 2,8% by October last year (by 1,9% by October-January). The volume of services and goods shipped in October reached 37 million rubles (in January-October — 468 billion rubles).
  • Production of other minerals, compared with October 2021, increased by 88,8% (by October-January — by 39,4%). The volume of services rendered and goods shipped for this October amounted to 214 billion rubles (for January-October — 1,6 billion rubles).
  • The production of leather and leather products, compared with October 2021, increased by 15,6% (by October-January — by 17,4%). The volume of this direction in October reached 250 million rubles (in January-October — 933 million rubles).
Photo: Platonov

Industry in Kazan is growing

It is worth noting that the IPI in Kazan for the first nine months of this year amounted to 108,8%. For the main types of industrial products, enterprises shipped goods of their own production, performed works and rendered services in the amount of 441 billion rubles (by 8% higher than last year).

The increase in production was shown by manufacturers of machinery and equipment (2,2 times), medicines and materials (64,2%), paper and paper products (62,1%), rubber and plastic products (25,6%), as well as food products (20,4%).

Among the enterprises, growth is demonstrated by: Vacuummash JSC, KMPO, Tatkhimfarmpeparaty, “Kazankompressormash JSC, Pulp-Invest PLC, Danaflex CJSC, etc. It is worth noting that these are the companies that have modernised fixed assets by replacing equipment and releasing new products, as well as established logistics supply chains.

At the same time, the sanctions and the withdrawal of a number of foreign companies served as an incentive for domestic developments of equipment and components for Kazanorgsintez, Kazan Helicopter Plant, Nefis Cosmetics, Kazan Aircraft Production Association, Elecon plant.

Photo: Platonov

Next year, the volume of industrial production in Tatarstan is expected to reach 4,559 trillion rubles. At the same time, the industrial production index in 2023 is projected at 100,7% compared to the previous year.

Maksim Kokunin

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