PRC’s consul general in Kazan: ‘Tatarstan is one of the most developed regions of the Russian Federation’

Xiang Bo talked about prospects of cooperation with the republic

During a meeting between Tatarstan President Rustam Minnikhanov and new Consul General of the PRC in Kazan Xiang Bo, the head of the republic wished him successful work on the new post and noted that Tatarstan and China had a lot of common interests, while the cooperation is big enough. He told Realnoe Vremya about the success that had already been achieved and partnership prospects. Read in the newspaper’s report about Tatar-Chinese commodity turnover, expansion of cooperation and investments.

“The Republic of Tatarstan pays special attention to the reinforcement of cooperation with China”

According to Consul General of China in Kazan Xiang Bo, the commodity turnover between Tatarstan and the PRC in 2021 reached $1,2 billion. This is a fifth of the whole commodity turnover between the Volga Federal District and China.

“The Republic of Tatarstan pays special attention to the reinforcement of the cooperation with China. The republic actively participates in the mechanism of interregional cooperation Yangtze-Volga and constantly expands mutually beneficial cooperation with Shandong and Sichuan Provinces as well as other friendly provinces and regions of China,” Xiang Bo noted.

Photo: Punsheva

Answering Realnoe Vremya’s journalist’s question about what spheres the consul general saw further partnerhips in, he noted that “both sides can reinforce cooperation in machine tool engineering, the production of important spare parts, electronic devices, household appliances, conventional cars and even those based on new energy sources and the agricultural sector.

“Natural agricultural produce and foods made in Russia are very popular in China,” the speaker explained. “China became the biggest state importing Russian agricultural produce and meat. Both sides can deepen the cooperation in the sphere of agricultural produce, ecology and other areas.”

In the end Xiang Bo mentioned that Chinese car brands are in demand in Russia, for instance, Great Wall Motors and Chery. He believes that such a tendency will stay for a long time and moreover, he thinks that “Chinese cars will gain the affection of a bigger number of Russians” soon.

“Tatarstan is a key region for investment”

“The Republic of Tatarstan is one of the most developed regions of the Russian Federation. KAMAZ PJSC, Kazan Aviation Plant and other traditional sectors of the industry, Alabuga Special Economic Zone, Innopolis innovative town and other leading innovative open clusters of Russia are located here. In particular, the Republic of Tatarstan is a key region for investment,” the consul general of China claimed answering a question about a flight of investments from the PRC in Tatarstan.

As Xiang Bo stressed, the republic is extremely attractive for investment for China. Tatarstan is in the top 3 best Russian regions in investment climate and “demonstrates great development potential.”

At the same time, Chinese companies’ constructive approach to investment and the development of cooperation with Tatarstan was noted. Xiang Bo hoped for further support of the Russian side.

Photo: Punsheva

“I hope in the new situation the Russian side will continue taking targeted support measures, facilitate people’s migration more, optimise the commercial and investment policy step by step and help enterprise to shape positive expectations and investment confidence,” the politician said.

More Chinese companies to open in Tatarstan

Xiang Bo talked about the prospects of the coming of new Chinese enterprises in Tatarstan putting an example of Haier. According to him, at this moment four companies with Chinese capital have been located in Tatarstan with Haier’s assistance, and five enterprises have become residents of Haier Industrial Park.

“Also, Haier has created more than 5,000 jobs and invited 49 local suppliers for auxiliary production,” the consul general reminded the audience.

The speaker stressed that Haier’s strategic localisation model allowed the company to settle in the region. Thanks to this, the organisation became “a real local Russian enterprise.”

Photo: Sergey Afanasyev/

“I am sure that with the expansion of the development of Sino-Russian relations and interregional cooperation of both sides, more Chinese companies such as Haier will enter Russia for investment and the development of cooperation with Tatarstan,” claimed Xiang Bo.

Yelizaveta Punsheva

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